Skills or Talents given by God (See also Spiritual Gifts and Talents)
The Father of Nations as promised by God, once known as Abram
Accepting others for who they are; not being judgemental (See also judging)
The first man and woman created by God (See also Creation)
Listening and watching carefully, staying awake. (See also Paying Attention, Readiness)
Heavenly beings created to serve God
Strong disapproval or hate that can lead to sin when misdirected (See also hardened heart, wrath)
Animals - part of God's creation
The Twelve Apostles; men Jesus chose to work with him during his eartly ministry; special disciples of Jesus
God's protection described as pieces of armor (See also protection)
How one behaves or acts during different situations (See also behavior, grumbling, respect)
Balaam was a worldly prophet, who is well known because of a talking donkey.
A sign that our sins are washed away, and we belong to Jesus
Son of Timaeus. A blind beggar living in Jericho, whom Jesus healed.
The way one can be seen reacting to different situations
To accept as truth, to trust or have faith; belief in God; a step towards Salvation.
The Book; the inspired Word of God (see also Word of God)
The birth and early childhood of Jesus (See also Christmas)
Everything received from God that brings joy and happiness (see also rewards)
The bride of Christ; the church (See also unity)
Overcoming fear through faith and coUrage (See also fear, courage)
New life as a Christian; rebirth (See also Christianity and salvation)
A heavy physical or emotional load to carry; yoke (See also affliction, hardship, difficulties, trials)
Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's first sons. Cain murdered his younger brother Abel
Genuine concern or interest in others, meeting someone's needs (See also kindness)
A joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event (see also Holidays)
The characteristics and qualities of God (See also knowing God)
Belonging to God, uniquely and wonderfully created by God, special (See also self-worth)
Making right decisions, especially those which will honor God (See also wisdom)
Being a Christian, living a Christian life; born again (See also salvation)
The Christian celebration of the birth of Christ, our Savior. (See also birth of Jesus)
The bride and body of Christ; the Family of God (See also unity)
Helping to ease pain or give encouragement during difficult times (See also encouragement, helping)
An order given by God; God's Law; The Ten Commandments
Being committed and devoted to the Lord, Dedicating ones life to God.
Sympathy for one another (See also mercy, kindness)
To say what you believe; to tell your sins to someone; a step towards salvation
Accepting and being satisfied with what you have
Working together, as for common good (See also teamwork, unity)
Name given to the Holy Spirit (See also guidance)
Being able to face danger even when afraid (See also fear, boldness)
An agreement between two people or groups, a promise (See also commitment, promises)
The Bible teaches that God is the creator of all things
The method used for Christ's death (crucifixion) An affliction or suffering to bear
Death on a cross (see also cross)
A gifted and courageous prophet of God, taken captive to Babylon, also known as Belteshazzar
The son of Jesse, second king of Israel
Being trustworthy so others can count on you to do something (See also responsibility)
Situations & conditions that are hard to deal with or require much effort to overcome (See also hardship, burdens, trials)
Wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong (See also wisdom, choices)
A Follower or student of Jesus, discipleship (See also following Jesus, apostles)
Not obeying God's commands or doing what is right (See also obedience, sin)
The Christian celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Great ideas to use in your Sunday school class for Easter
A prophet of God who stood against King Ahab, Queen Jezebel, and their false prophets.
Personal feelings that are either pleasant or unpleasant (See also feelings)
Helping others face difficult challenges or hardships, exhortation. (See also comfort)
Being able to continue with a difficult challenge (See also perseverance, stand firm)
A Jewish orphan who became Queen of Persia and saved her people.
Everlasting life in the presence of God
Reaching the world for Jesus; preaching (See also witnessing, missions)
Wickedness; doing things against God's will; darkness of the world (See devil)
Lame reasons for not carrying out responsibilities or for being disobedient
Not showing undeserved favor or criticism
Belief and trust in God; knowing God is real even though we cannot see Him; hope in eternal salvation, faithfulness (See also believing, hope, doubt)
Family of believers; family of God; church family; earthly family (See also Body of Christ, Church)
An unfair tendency to treat one person, group, or thing better than another.
Anticipation or awareness of danger, to be afraid (See also courage)
Sharing time, feelings or resources with other believers (See also communion)
Living according to the Will of God by following and obeying His commands; walking with God
Being a disciple of Christ (See also Apostles, Disciple, Knowing Jesus)
Acting without thought, giving in readily to worldly temptations
Excusing someone of an offense, God's forgiveness of our sins
A relationship with a person you know well and regard with affection and trust
Being used by God for the benefit of others; bearing good fruits (See also serving)
A Judge who freed Isreal from the Midianites, asked God for a sign using a fleece.
As an offering or sacrifice; spiritual gift of giving (See also tithing, sharing)
Living according to God's Will (See also holiness, righteousness, morals)
God's love is unconditional, patient, kind, and forgiving
The good news and story about Jesus Christ (See also witnessing)
Receiving from God something good we do not deserve (See also mercy)
Showing appreciation for something you have received (See also thankfulness)
Selfish desire for material things or power (See also selfishness)
Life changes to become mature in Christ and with spiritual knowledge. (See spiritual growth)
Complaining or showing a poor attitude (See also behavior, attitude)
Directions given from someone who knows what is right (See also leadership)
Developing good habits that honor God
Wife of Elkanah who prayed to God for a son and became the mother of Samuel the Prophet.
Feelings of pleasure or contentment when things are going well (See also contentment, joy)
Stubbornness leading to disobedience or acting contrary to God's Will (See also anger)
Burdens or difficulties that need faith in Jesus to overcome (See also difficulties, burdens, trials)
Making well someone who is ill, through prayer and the power of God
Eternal place where God lives and where His people will go when they die (See also Kingdom of God)
God's help, helping others (See also serving)
Perfect purity in thoughts, deeds and behavior (See also purity, godliness)
Third person of the trinity who lives and works in our hearts and minds (See also counselor)
Being truthful to the point others can trust and respect you; having integrity (See also truthfulness)
Showing respect and proper attitude for someone in an important position, such as parents (See also respect)
Pleasing God by putting Him first and showing Him the respect He deserves for He is Holy (See also fearing God, respect)
Having confidence that you will receive the blessings God has promised (See also doubt, faith)
Being humble in spirit, not proud, not pretending to be important (See also pride)
God made each of us unique and with a special purpose. (See also peer pressure, worthiness)
Having a reputation for doing what is right (See also character, honesty)
Promised son of Abraham, and father to Jacob and Esau.
Son of Isaac and brother of Esau; father of twelve sons, among them Joseph; later known as Israel.
Unhappiness because of what someone else has. Wanting what isn't yours (See also envy)
The Son of God, the Christ, our Lord and Savior
A messenger who prepared the way for the Messiah.
Prophet of Israel who at first resisted God's command to preach to Nineveh.
One of the twelve sons of Jacob, sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Also, Joseph, husband of Mary.
Leader of the Israelites during their settlement of the promised land
Contentment from God even when faced with hardships difficulties (See also happiness)
Being judgmental by putting down the faults of someone else (See also acceptance)
God's punishment or wrath for doing wrong; God's justice (See also wrath)
Use this topical index page for for a list of Activities, Object Talks, Stories, Skits, Crafts, Games and other items to use at any time in your Sunday School class or Bible study.
Fairness, receiving what is deserved (See also fairness, mercy, God's Judgment)
Treating others with love and compassion (See also caring, compassion, mercy)
God's present reign and when Jesus will rule as King over all humanity (See also Heaven)
The desire to gain a full awareness and understanding of God (See also Character of God)
Learning more about Jesus (See also Disciples, Following Jesus)
Things learned from study or experience (See also wisdom)
Young sheep, "Lamb of God" A name for Jesus because He was a sacrifice for our sins
The brother of Mary and Martha, loved by Jesus. A poor beggar mentioned in a parable (See also Mary and Martha)
Someone who is able to give guidance and direction to others (See also guidance)
Christians are to be the light of the world
Paying attention to what is being said, hearing and obeying God's voice (see also paying attention)
Being apart from Christ (See also salvation)
Not a mere, mushy feeling. Godly love is unconditional, patient, kind, and forgiving
The opposite of telling the truth (See also honesty, truthfulness)
Impressiveness in scale or proportion, something which only God could do.
The wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus, Virgin Mary; also Mary Magdalene (See also Mary and Martha)
Sisters of Lazarus and good friends of Jesus.
Earthly treasures or possessions that keep us wanting more causing discontent (See also idols)
Fun activities, games, crafts, and other ideas to help review memory verses, individual lessons and entire lesson series.
Not receiving from God something unpleasant that we deserve (See also grace, works)
Mighty works of God to reveal His power and majesty. Special signs performed by Jesus through God's power.
Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt
Great ideas to use for Mother's Day or Father's Day with your Sunday school class
Being a good neighbor and friend, kind to one another; "Good Samaritan" (See also friendship)
The Pharisee who asked Jesus about being born again and later became a follower of Jesus. The man who help prepare Jesus' body for burial.
Man of God who built an ark to save his family and animals from a great flood
Obeying; doing what is asked or commanded
A gift or sacrifice; spiritual gift of giving (See also giving, sharing, sacrifice, tithing)
Sunday before Easter when palm branches were laid before Jesus on the road to Jerusalem
Stories told by Jesus relating everyday life to Spiritual truths
Being able to wait for something or persevere to complete a task
The Apostle Paul, also known by his Hebrew name of Saul; The last Apostle
Listening or focusing on what is important
Freedom from discomfort, feeling of calmness (See also contentment)
Temptation to do what others your age or status are doing
Treating someone cruelly or unjustly because they are different or because your beliefs are not the same
Refusing to give up, even during time of difficulty
A fisherman who became one of the twelve apostles, who walked on water, and preached to both Jews and Gentiles
Doing things according to God's Will (See also honoring God)
God's power, as shown throughout creation and in each of our lives; power from God (See also strength)
To glorify, to say good things about someone or something (See also worship)
Talking with God - Intercession: prayer to God on behalf of another person (See also quiet time)
Being ready or prepared as for Christ's return (See also readiness)
Thinking more highly of yourself than of others; arrogance (See also humility, meekness)
Doing things in the proper order, putting God first
Doing what you say you will do, an agreement or covenant (See also covenant)
God will protect us from evil
God will provide everything we need
The Lord is my Shepherd, a psalm of King David (See also shepherd)
Time alone with God for prayer and meditation (See also prayer)
Woman who helped the spies escape from Jericho and who was spared because of her faith; mother of Boaz.
The beautiful, colorful sign given by God to show the promise between Him and the earth.
Being ready, prepared as for Christ's return
How others think of me based on what they have seen or heard (See also character)
An attitude of admiration or esteem towards another; honoring parents (See also honor)
Being a trustworthy and responsible child of God (See also dependability)
Coming back to life after being dead, as Jesus did after dying on the cross
Blessings received from God (See also blessings)
Always thinking and acting in a way pleasing to God (See also Godliness)
A Moabite woman of faith who became a member of Jesus' family line through Boaz.
An offering that is given in worship to God (See also offering, giving)
God's free gift of eternal life (See also Eternal Life)
A Nazarene whom the Lord gave great strength to lead the Israelites.
Dedicated to the Lord by his mother Hannah, he became priest and judge of Israel. He also annointed Sual and David, the first two kings.
First King of Israel succeeded by David.
Being able to control your actions at all times. (See also temptation)
Self-esteem, self-assurance, having a sense of value or worth (See also child of God, worthiness)
Being greedy, unwillingness to share material things or power (See also greed, sharing)
Helping others for the sake of Jesus; Serving others; Servant hood (See also Helping)
Hebrew youth whom King Neuchadnezzar carried captive to Babylon.
Letting others have some of what you have (See also witnessing, giving)
The Good Shepherd knows his sheep, and they know him. Jesus is our Good Shepherd
Any transgression of God's Will or violation of His laws in thought, action, or neglect (See also iniquity)
King David's son, who was know for his wisdom.
Special to God, a Child of God (See also Self-Worth)
Special abilities given by the Holy Spirit for the common good of the Church
Growing and maturing as a Christian through the direction of the Holy Spirit
Not giving in to adversity (See also courage, endurance, peer pressure)
Proper management of gifts, talents or resources given to you
Strength to do God's Will, to overcome weakness, a special ability given by God; not being weak (See also Power)
Grief, trials and struggles (See also hardship)
Skills or abilities given by God that can be developed (See also Spiritual Gifts)
Working together with others to accomplish a greater good, partnership (See also cooperation, unity)
Feeling a strong urge to do something wrong or to sin (See also Self-control)
Showing appreciation to God for what He has given (See also gratitude)
Great lessons and ideas to use during the Thanksgiving holidays in your Sunday school class
Giving one tenth back to God from what He has provided (See also giving, offering)
A tower built by descendants of Noah intended to reach up to heaven and where God confused their language.
Treasures in Heaven compared to treasures on earth
Tests to determine a person's abilities (See also hardships and difficulties)
The Three Persons of God, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Trust in God, trusting in Jesus; having faith and believing in God; trustworthiness
The quality of being truthful, the truth of God's Word
Living together in harmony (See also Family and Body of Christ)
Materials not used in a lesson or lesson series
Fun Valentine's Day ideas for School and Sunday School children.
The ability to apply spiritual knowledge and experience in different situations (See also discernment, knowledge)
Reaching others for Christ; outreach (See also Evangelism, Missions)
The feeling aroused by something strange and surprising (See also majesty)
God's spoken and written Word, the Bible; Holy Scripture (See also Bible)
Strong feelings of anxiety causing unhappiness or preoccupation with fear; stress (See anxiety)
To give praise, honor, and respect to God (See also praise)
A Jewish tax collector who was short in stature.
Having active interest or an overflowing enthusiasm, as for serving and learning about God (see also laziness)