Children learn to identify the country they live in and see how beautiful God made the world.
Children discover a simple but very effective way to make the right decisions.
Children see how friends, whether good or bad, can easily rub off on us.
Children will color two pages, one sloppy, and the other as neat as possible, to learn how God desires the best from us.
A fun activity to show how making the right choice is always the best.
A fun writing and coloring activity that teaches children that God loves them
A coloring activity to help the children learn that God loves them and knows them by name.
Children have fun guessing whose name belongs to whom as they pretend to be like
some very special people in the Bible.
Children learn that God wants us to grow both physically and spiritually.
The children will enjoy learning why it is so fun to have new things and connect it with why God wants us to desire new things in Christ.
The children will have fun singing a song and walking around while learning a Bible verse.
Children learn to celebrate the return of their friends.
Children will practice giving without expectations of receiving something in return.
The children will learn that they are messengers for God.
A fun, happy, flashy, active, counting activity for preschoolers using the numbers 1 through 10.
The children will enjoy decorating a staff as they learn how shepherds used this tool.
The children will have fun making a visitor’s badge, which reminds them that their permanent home is in Heaven.
Children discover that many things in life need to be completed in a logical order.
Children will have fun connecting the similarities between a pet hearing its owner’s voice and sheep knowing their shepherd’s voice.
The children will learn that the believer’s prize is eternity in Heaven.
We live in a world made up of many different people from many different backgrounds, nationalities and lifestyles. God loves everyone. Children must learn to respect and love each other, because God loves all of us.
A cheerful reminder that God created the universe and that God created us.
An exciting way for the children in your class to see who is special to God.
We live in a world filled with many weeds, but we are children of God. Therefore, let us rise high and live for Jesus.
Children add brilliant colors to show how they can rejoice in the Lord who clothes us with robes of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)
A fun coloring and writing activity that teaches children that God loves them.
Children have fun coloring the picture and adding the things that make them special.
(Connect-the-dots) Children must first connect the dots before they can tell which twin is Jacob and which is Esau in this coloring activity.
A craft the children can hang up in their room or on a Christmas tree.
Children learn that they don't have to be a king, like Solomon, to be blessed by God.
Children enjoy creating a self-portrait to demonstrate how it feels to be born again.
Children create their own beautiful crown of jewels to show how special they are in God's Kingdom.
Children will create redemption bracelets to help remind them that they have been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus.
A craft that helps children understand that certain activities will help them grow spiritually.
A simple craft teaches children to focus on their differences and accept God’s handiwork.
Children play musical chairs for a chance to discover how special they are to Jesus and how much He loves them.
The children will enjoy a card game while learning how to become new in Christ.
Children will be tickled to know they are included in Abraham’s count.
Children search all around the classroom to find the lost lambs and bring them back to God.
A fun game that helps children recognize that God created each of us in a very special way
Children increase their knowledge of God and improve their memory skills.
Children try to guess what another child wants to be when he or she grows up.
This Sunday school lesson teaches that we are children of God and that He is pleased when we give to Him in the right way.
This lesson, about David accepting God's offer to become king of Israel, will help the children realize that they must also accept God’s Gift of Heaven and everlasting life in His Kingdom.
This lesson shows children how God cares for them by making them special and giving them unique gifts and talents.
This lesson will help children understand that God hears them and they can hear Him too through the Holy Spirit. They will also learn that they are like sheep, kept safe in God’s hands.
In this Sunday school lesson, children discover that they are very important to Jesus. They are special in His eyes because they are God's children.
In this lesson, the children will discuss and discover how to get rid of the old and put on the new by being in Christ.
God's promise is mentioned again to Jacob, confirming that the covenant God made to Abraham will stretch for many generations up to the present. In this lesson, children learn that God always keeps His promises and so should we.
This lesson teaches children that we all need forgiveness and that we should not have a fault-finding attitude toward others.
This lesson will inspire the children to have the courage needed to do what God asks them to do. This lesson will also show that God knows and calls each of us by name.
In this lesson, the children learn that when they believe in Jesus, they can be born again of the Spirit and have eternal life with Him in Heaven.
In this lesson, children discover how God continued to bless Abraham by giving him a son. Children also will learn that God’s promises do not always come immediately. Sometimes we must be patient and wait to enjoy His blessings.
An Object Talk that will have the kids talking about their Heavenly Father.
God loves puppy dogs and baby bunnies, but He loves us even more!
Many times we ask God to give us things that we may not really need.
A puppet skit to demonstrate how believers belong to God and can hear Him when He speaks. (Skit for teacher and one puppet)
(Audio Available) A song about showing love for Jesus by giving all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Mark 12:30) Sung to “I Surrender All.”
A song about King David, friendship, and the friend we have in Jesus. Sung to “The Farmer in the Dell.”
God calls Saul by name to be king. God also knows our names and calls us to Him. Sung to “Are You Sleeping?”