Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Coloring pages, Stories, Songs, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
Skills or Talents given by God (See also Spiritual Gifts and Talents)
The Father of Nations as promised by God, once known as Abram
Accepting others for who they are; not being judgemental (See also judging)
The first man and woman created by God (See also Creation)
Listening and watching carefully, staying awake. (See also Paying Attention, Readiness)
Heavenly beings created to serve God
Strong disapproval or hate that can lead to sin when misdirected (See also hardened heart, wrath)
Animals - part of God's creation
The Twelve Apostles; men Jesus chose to work with him during his eartly ministry; special disciples of Jesus
God's protection described as pieces of armor (See also protection)
How one behaves or acts during different situations (See also behavior, grumbling, respect)
Balaam was a worldly prophet, who is well known because of a talking donkey.
A sign that our sins are washed away, and we belong to Jesus
Son of Timaeus. A blind beggar living in Jericho, whom Jesus healed.
The way one can be seen reacting to different situations
To accept as truth, to trust or have faith; belief in God; a step towards Salvation.
The Book; the inspired Word of God (see also Word of God)
The birth and early childhood of Jesus (See also Christmas)
Everything received from God that brings joy and happiness (see also rewards)
The bride of Christ; the church (See also unity)
Overcoming fear through faith and coUrage (See also fear, courage)
New life as a Christian; rebirth (See also Christianity and salvation)
A heavy physical or emotional load to carry; yoke (See also affliction, hardship, difficulties, trials)