Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Coloring pages, Stories, Songs, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
Obeying; doing what is asked or commanded
A gift or sacrifice; spiritual gift of giving (See also giving, sharing, sacrifice, tithing)
Sunday before Easter when palm branches were laid before Jesus on the road to Jerusalem
Stories told by Jesus relating everyday life to Spiritual truths
Being able to wait for something or persevere to complete a task
The Apostle Paul, also known by his Hebrew name of Saul; The last Apostle
Listening or focusing on what is important
Freedom from discomfort, feeling of calmness (See also contentment)
Temptation to do what others your age or status are doing
Treating someone cruelly or unjustly because they are different or because your beliefs are not the same
Refusing to give up, even during time of difficulty
A fisherman who became one of the twelve apostles, who walked on water, and preached to both Jews and Gentiles
Doing things according to God's Will (See also honoring God)
God's power, as shown throughout creation and in each of our lives; power from God (See also strength)
To glorify, to say good things about someone or something (See also worship)
Talking with God - Intercession: prayer to God on behalf of another person (See also quiet time)
Being ready or prepared as for Christ's return (See also readiness)
Thinking more highly of yourself than of others; arrogance (See also humility, meekness)
Doing things in the proper order, putting God first
Doing what you say you will do, an agreement or covenant (See also covenant)
God will protect us from evil
God will provide everything we need
The Lord is my Shepherd, a psalm of King David (See also shepherd)