An activity to show children how God can use our friends to help in times of need and how we should have patience to let God answer our prayers.
A fun team building activity that helps teach children to pray for others.
The children will learn how to create a calm, peaceful environment to rest in the Lord.
The children will learn that sometimes we receive good news, whereas other times we receive bad news. Either way, our response to the news is the most important part.
Children guess which sounds are made by different items, and learn that Jesus knows
exactly who we are when we pray.
Children make a small book that teaches them about God.
The children will enjoy a brief activity that will teach them how to apply prayer's power of protection.
Children learn how to make turning to the Lord and trusting in Him a good habit in their lives.
Before reacting in a negative way, it is always best to stop, drop, and pray.
Children learn how to watch and pray to keep them from sinning or being tempted to disobey.
An activity to help the children learn that everyone needs our prayers.
This bulletin board will remind the kids that they pray to God wherever they are, at home, in school, at church and even while playing. Use this bulletin board for lessons on prayer, worship, or walking with God.
(Certificate of Achievement) Give this attractive certificate to recognize your students for memorizing the Lord's Prayer.
Hannah goes to the temple to ask God for a son.
Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.
(Connect-the-dots) Children use their counting skills to discover praying hands they can then color.
Children learn the importance of prayer, while having fun creating a set of animated praying hands.
The children will create a booklet to remind them to ask God for help through prayer.
The children will make a craft to remind them to help and pray.
Children make a door hanger to help them remember to be waiting, watching, and ready for when the Lord returns.
A coloring project that will show how Jesus is there to answer our prayers and provide for our needs.
A wonderful craft that the kids will remember for a lifetime. The kids enjoy praying while using their prayer mat.
Children make a shield of protection to prepare for spiritual battle.
The children will make a craft to remind them to obey God.
The children will have fun responding to certain commands. At the same time, they will connect how Biblical characters immediately responded by praying during both good and bad times.
Children play a simple memory game to show that prayer and fasting are powerful ways to prepare for spiritual battle.
This lesson will help the children understand how they can pray boldly and ask God to provide for their needs and the needs of others. Children will also learn different ways they can treat others that will help show God's love.
This lesson about King Saul's jealousy of David, teaches the children that jealousy is a sin. The children also learn that God calls us to love and pray for everyone, even our enemies.
In this lesson about Hannah and the birth of Samuel, the children will learn about the power of sincere prayer.
In this lesson, children discover how God kept Daniels safe from harm. They will also learn that when they remain faithful and trust in God, He will also help them during troublesome times.
In this lesson, children learn that we fight in a spiritual war when it comes to sharing the Word of God. We can prepare for this battle through prayer and fasting.
A three lesson series about communicating with God through the power of prayer.
Talking with God is easy!
Many times we ask God to give us things that we may not really need.
The children will reflect and discover who they would call during a time of need.
Our prayers rise up to God in Heaven, like the fragrant smoke of incense rises upwards (Psalm 141:2). Children see how God is pleased when our prayers include adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.
Our prayers rise up to God in Heaven, like the fragrant smoke of incense rises upwards (Psalm 141:2). Children see how God is pleased when our prayers include adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.
(Certificate of Achievement) Give this attractive certificate to recognize your students for memorizing the Lord's Prayer.
A puppet skit that teaches children that they can trust in God, like Daniel when he was thrown in the lions' den. (Skit for up to six)
(Audio Available) A song about how God saved Daniel by shutting the mouths of the lions. Sung to the tune “Jesus Loves Me.”
A retelling of the story about Daniel when he was thrown into the lions' den for praying to God. (Daniel 6)
In this story, Nehemiah trusts that God will grant him success in restoring Jerusalem's wall and gates. Nehemiah puts his hope and faith in God’s protection and provision while persevering through obstacles.
Hannah prayed for a child for many years. When the time was right, God answered her prayer.
(Storybook Available) Because of patience and prayer, a tiny mouse receives a wonderful blessing in this delightful story.