Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Coloring pages, Stories, Songs, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
The Christian celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Great ideas to use in your Sunday school class for Easter
A prophet of God who stood against King Ahab, Queen Jezebel, and their false prophets.
Personal feelings that are either pleasant or unpleasant (See also feelings)
Helping others face difficult challenges or hardships, exhortation. (See also comfort)
Being able to continue with a difficult challenge (See also perseverance, stand firm)
A Jewish orphan who became Queen of Persia and saved her people.
Everlasting life in the presence of God
Reaching the world for Jesus; preaching (See also witnessing, missions)
Wickedness; doing things against God's will; darkness of the world (See devil)
Lame reasons for not carrying out responsibilities or for being disobedient
Not showing undeserved favor or criticism
Belief and trust in God; knowing God is real even though we cannot see Him; hope in eternal salvation, faithfulness (See also believing, hope, doubt)
Family of believers; family of God; church family; earthly family (See also Body of Christ, Church)
An unfair tendency to treat one person, group, or thing better than another.
Anticipation or awareness of danger, to be afraid (See also courage)
Sharing time, feelings or resources with other believers (See also communion)
Living according to the Will of God by following and obeying His commands; walking with God
Being a disciple of Christ (See also Apostles, Disciple, Knowing Jesus)
Acting without thought, giving in readily to worldly temptations
Excusing someone of an offense, God's forgiveness of our sins
A relationship with a person you know well and regard with affection and trust
Being used by God for the benefit of others; bearing good fruits (See also serving)