
Just for Fun

Here are some fun ideas you can use at any time to keep things lively in your Sunday school class, Children's Church, or Bible study.


Biblical Time Travel

Children love to pretend. This fun, make-believe activity prepares the children for today’s Bible lesson.

Counting Tower

A counting activity to help children improve math skills, while learning about the "Tower of Babel."

Head To Heart

A simple puzzle helps young children connect head knowledge with the heart when learning about Jesus.

Leapfrog Scripture

Children memorize scripture by jumping and repeating their memory verse.

Mixed Up Builder

An activity that helps children recognize different shapes and improves hand-eye coordination.

Oil And Water

A fun experiment to introduce children to one of the properties of oil while helping them gain an understanding of how oil was used during biblical times.

Star Search

Children search for matching stars because Jesus is the Bright Morning Star.

Who's Job Is It?

Children match up the cartoon characters with the jobs they do.


Crown The King

Children get to participate in crowning the new king.

Does It Please The Lord?

Like the familiar game "Mother May I?" but with a Biblical twist.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Fun for kids of all ages, where recognizing the three persons of the trinity keeps you in the game.

Flying Dove

An action game that will have children flying around the room.

Head To Heart Tag

A fun variation of tag that will remind kids that the head and the heart have to stay connected in our faith.

Hop To It

A fun variation of hopscotch game for children to help them memorize their Bible verse and get out some wiggles.

Let's Celebrate God!

Children will have fun learning about different ways to celebrate God.

Love Is...

Children memorize Bible phrases regarding God’s love.

Rainbow Race

A fun game that helps children recognize different colors and improves their listening skills

Team Army Crawl

In this simple race, the children will have fun showing their crawling skills and working as a team to reach the finish line.



The children pop up and down while learning a new Bible verse.


Jokes And Riddles

Just for a little fun, here are some clean wholesome jokes and riddles to enjoy. Do you have a favorite joke or riddle? Feel free to share it with us.


Jokes And Riddles

Just for a little fun, here are some clean wholesome jokes and riddles to enjoy. Do you have a favorite joke or riddle? Feel free to share it with us.


The children pop up and down while learning a new Bible verse.