Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Coloring pages, Stories, Songs, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's first sons. Cain murdered his younger brother Abel
Genuine concern or interest in others, meeting someone's needs (See also kindness)
A joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event (see also Holidays)
The characteristics and qualities of God (See also knowing God)
Belonging to God, uniquely and wonderfully created by God, special (See also self-worth)
Making right decisions, especially those which will honor God (See also wisdom)
Being a Christian, living a Christian life; born again (See also salvation)
The Christian celebration of the birth of Christ, our Savior. (See also birth of Jesus)
The bride and body of Christ; the Family of God (See also unity)
Helping to ease pain or give encouragement during difficult times (See also encouragement, helping)
An order given by God; God's Law; The Ten Commandments
Being committed and devoted to the Lord, Dedicating ones life to God.
Sympathy for one another (See also mercy, kindness)
To say what you believe; to tell your sins to someone; a step towards salvation
Accepting and being satisfied with what you have
Working together, as for common good (See also teamwork, unity)
Name given to the Holy Spirit (See also guidance)
Being able to face danger even when afraid (See also fear, boldness)
An agreement between two people or groups, a promise (See also commitment, promises)
The Bible teaches that God is the creator of all things
The method used for Christ's death (crucifixion) An affliction or suffering to bear
Death on a cross (see also cross)
A gifted and courageous prophet of God, taken captive to Babylon, also known as Belteshazzar
The son of Jesse, second king of Israel
Being trustworthy so others can count on you to do something (See also responsibility)
Situations & conditions that are hard to deal with or require much effort to overcome (See also hardship, burdens, trials)
Wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong (See also wisdom, choices)
A Follower or student of Jesus, discipleship (See also following Jesus, apostles)
Not obeying God's commands or doing what is right (See also obedience, sin)