

The Christian celebration of the birth of Christ, our Savior. (See also Birth of Jesus)

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11


Gifts For Jesus

This activity provides the children with three gifts that they can give to Jesus to celebrate Him and His birthday at Christmas.

Itchy, Smelly Bed

Children create the manger scene, but first they must find all the parts.

Jesus In A Manger

Children use size and shape to add missing objects to this scene before coloring.

Jesus Is His Name

A fun Christmas activity that will take the children back to the day when Jesus was born.

Lift & Learn - Baby Jesus

A fun activity that encourages children to listen and interact with the story.

Wise Men Search For Jesus

Children use the letter B to help the wise men find baby Jesus.


Wise Men Bookmark

Students will make a beautiful bookmark craft reminding them to seek Jesus through God’s Word.


Angels Singing

When Jesus was born, the angels appeared praising the new born Savior. With this bulletin board, the joy of Jesus will be known throughout the classroom. The angels are three dimensional.


Eyes On Jesus

Children enjoy coloring a holiday picture while finding the true meaning of Christmas.

Herod And The Teacher

Children enjoy coloring a picture of Herod seeking the advise of the teachers of the law.

Jesus In A Manger

Children use size and shape to add missing objects to this scene before coloring.

Lying In A Manger

A Christmas scene of Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus lying in a manger.


A Lamb's Christmas Poem

Children create a lovable lamb, complete with a poem, to remind them of the wonderful birth of Jesus.

A Manger For Jesus

Children will construct a manger and “baby Jesus” out of graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows.

A Shining Star

A craft the children can hang up in their room or on a Christmas tree.

My Gift To Jesus

A colorful Christmas craft to show how children can give special gifts to Jesus.


Birth Of Jesus - Guess What's Missing?

Children learn the Christmas story by playing an interactive guessing game.

Search For Jesus

A fun yet simple game for younger children about searching for baby Jesus.


Born In A Manger

The story about the birth of Christ comes alive in this lesson as the children hear, see, and become part of this special event.


In this series, children discover the joy and wonder of the birth of Jesus, and how they can worship Him as our Lord and Savior.

The Distracted Innkeeper

In this lesson, the children will learn about the innkeeper. We will discuss some of the distractions that can get in the way of focusing on Jesus as we celebrate Christmas.

The Religious Leaders

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Religious Leaders who were too busy to notice that Jesus had been born. We will talk about the difference between having a head full of knowledge and a heart full of knowledge during the Christmas season.

The Shepherds

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Shepherds and the joy that filled them upon hearing news of Jesus’ birth. They let this excitement change their plans, their hearts, and their actions. They also made the choice to share this Good News with others!

Wise Men Worship

In this lesson, the children will learn about the importance of seeking Jesus and praising Him for coming to earth to save us!


Birthday Party For Jesus

Everyday objects provide children with three gifts that they can give Jesus on His Birthday.

Spread The Light

In this activity, children will discover the story of how the world became a dark place. They will learn Jesus came to be the Light of the World and how we, as followers of Jesus, must share the light to give hope to others.


Wise Men Bookmark

Students will make a beautiful bookmark craft reminding them to seek Jesus through God’s Word.


Shepherds In The Field At Night

We need to joyfully tell others about Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”


A Not So Silent Night

(Storybook Available) A short Christmas story about the night Jesus was born, which was not silent at all.