Select any of the topics below for a list of related Activities, Lessons, Coloring pages, Stories, Songs, Crafts, Games and other Christian resources to use in your class. More information
An offering that is given in worship to God (See also offering, giving)
God's free gift of eternal life (See also Eternal Life)
A Nazarene whom the Lord gave great strength to lead the Israelites.
Dedicated to the Lord by his mother Hannah, he became priest and judge of Israel. He also annointed Sual and David, the first two kings.
First King of Israel succeeded by David.
Being able to control your actions at all times. (See also temptation)
Self-esteem, self-assurance, having a sense of value or worth (See also child of God, worthiness)
Being greedy, unwillingness to share material things or power (See also greed, sharing)
Helping others for the sake of Jesus; Serving others; Servant hood (See also Helping)
Hebrew youth whom King Neuchadnezzar carried captive to Babylon.
Letting others have some of what you have (See also witnessing, giving)
The Good Shepherd knows his sheep, and they know him. Jesus is our Good Shepherd
Any transgression of God's Will or violation of His laws in thought, action, or neglect (See also iniquity)
King David's son, who was know for his wisdom.
Special to God, a Child of God (See also Self-Worth)
Special abilities given by the Holy Spirit for the common good of the Church
Growing and maturing as a Christian through the direction of the Holy Spirit
Not giving in to adversity (See also courage, endurance, peer pressure)
Proper management of gifts, talents or resources given to you
Strength to do God's Will, to overcome weakness, a special ability given by God; not being weak (See also Power)
Grief, trials and struggles (See also hardship)
Skills or abilities given by God that can be developed (See also Spiritual Gifts)
Working together with others to accomplish a greater good, partnership (See also cooperation, unity)
Feeling a strong urge to do something wrong or to sin (See also Self-control)
Showing appreciation to God for what He has given (See also gratitude)
Great lessons and ideas to use during the Thanksgiving holidays in your Sunday school class
Giving one tenth back to God from what He has provided (See also giving, offering)
A tower built by descendants of Noah intended to reach up to heaven and where God confused their language.
Treasures in Heaven compared to treasures on earth
Tests to determine a person's abilities (See also hardships and difficulties)
The Three Persons of God, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Trust in God, trusting in Jesus; having faith and believing in God; trustworthiness
The quality of being truthful, the truth of God's Word