

God's free gift of eternal life (See also Eternal Life)

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6


Old Things, New Things

The children will divide new and old items to discover how Jesus changes hearts.

Power Of The Cross

Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins, and give us a way back to God.

Salvation Balloon

Children participate in a colorful demonstration that will help them share the steps of salvation.


Heavenly Steps To Salvation

Take the children along a heavenly path to salvation by starting with hearing the Word of God and ending with living a new life for Jesus.

Holy Trinity

To show the three persons of God. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Perfect for lessons about the Holy Trinity or Salvation.

Jesus Is...

This bulletin board will help children remember five important things that Jesus is.

Narrow Is The Road To Life

A colorful scene showing the difference between the broad road to destruction and the narrow road leading to life as described by Jesus in Matthew 7:14

Now Boarding

Don't wait until it is too late! A bulletin board to help children understand the urgency of receiving God's gift of Salvation.

Salvation Railroad

All aboard the Salvation Railroad! A quick reminder of the different steps every child should understand before being baptized. You can easily create this bulletin board using basic shapes.


Baptism Certificate

Baptism certificates will help every young Christian remember and celebrate the day he or she was baptized into Christ. Suitable for framing.


Born Again Self-portrait

Children enjoy creating a self-portrait to demonstrate how it feels to be born again.

Forgiveness In Jesus

Children make an edible treat which represents how Jesus died on the cross to forgive the sins of all the people in the world.

Jesus Is The Rock

Children make a simple craft to remind them that Jesus is the rock of our salvation.

Knock Knock

Children create a working craft to help them understand that they need to open their hearts to Jesus.

Redemption Bracelet

Children will create redemption bracelets to help remind them that they have been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus.

Team Jesus Flag

Children make a colorful flag to remind them that anyone who believes in Jesus as their Lord and Savior is a member of Team Jesus.

The Way To The Father

A pop-up craft to show how Jesus is the only way to the Father and to eternal life in Heaven.

Welcoming Door

Children create a colorful folding card to help demonstrate what happens when we welcome children and Jesus into our lives.

White As Snow

A happy snowman to help the kids learn, "Your sins are like deep red cloth. But they can be as white as snow" Isaiah 1:18 (NCV)


Pillow Bridge

The children will use pillows to visually demonstrate Jesus bridging the gap between sin and God.


How Do We Fight For The One?

In this lesson, children learn that we fight in a spiritual war when it comes to sharing the Word of God. We can prepare for this battle through prayer and fasting.

Jesus Forgives

In this Easter lesson, kids learn that Jesus loves us so much He died on the cross to forgive our sins. Through His wonderful act of love, we can be children of God and live with Him someday in Heaven.

Jesus Is The Way

This lesson will help the children understand that Jesus is the only way to our Father in Heaven. It is through Jesus alone that we can have Salvation and Eternal Life.

Nicodemus And Being Born Again

In this lesson, the children learn that when they believe in Jesus, they can be born again of the Spirit and have eternal life with Him in Heaven.

Ruth Finds New Life

In this lesson, children see how Ruth received new life when Boaz redeemed her. They will also learn that Jesus is our redeemer. He paid the price for our sins, so we can be part of God's family.


Baptism Certificate

Baptism certificates will help every young Christian remember and celebrate the day he or she was baptized into Christ. Suitable for framing.