

LESSON 1: Jesus Forgives

Lessons in this series: 1 2 Overview

In this Sunday school lesson, children learn that Jesus loves us so much He died on the cross to forgive our sins. Through Jesus' wonderful act of love, we can be children of God and live with Him someday in Heaven.


Cross, Easter, Forgiveness, Salvation

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Jesus Carrying the Cross (Coloring Activity) Click here

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)

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BIBLE VERSE (5 minutes)

Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them.’” Luke 23:34a  NIV
Have the children repeat this verse several times. Explain that while Jesus was dying on the cross, He cried up to His Father asking Him to forgive the sins of the people. We all do things that are wrong sometimes, but because of Jesus, we are forgiven when we are sorry.

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)

Gather the children around you for story time. After the introduction, read the children's version of the story provided.

Our story today starts when Jesus is speaking to His disciples late into the evening. Surprisingly, another one of His disciples, named Judas, came up, and kissed Jesus on the cheek. Immediately the chief priests and teachers of the law came and arrested Jesus. They were certain Jesus meant trouble. They believed Jesus was telling lies about God. Let's read what happened next.

Note: The story about Jesus' death on the cross can be upsetting, but it is also important for children to know that Jesus died for them. Be sure the children understand that Jesus willingly died on the cross because He loved us so much. Jesus did nothing wrong to deserve death, but sometimes we do things that are wrong, like when we disobey our parents. Jesus died in our place so we can have everlasting life with Him in Heaven. Remind the children that this is not the end of the story. Next week they will discover how Jesus rose from the dead, and that He is someday coming back for us.

Jesus and the Cross (Story) Click here

Discussion Questions:

1. Why did the crowd want to punish Jesus? (They thought He was a criminal, but that was not true. Jesus never did anything wrong.)
2. Did Pilate think Jesus was a criminal and needed to be punished? (No, he could not find that Jesus did anything wrong.)
3. What did the crowd shout repeatedly when Pilate tried to release Jesus? (Crucify Him!)
4. How did the soldiers treat Jesus? (They treated Jesus badly.)
5. When the soldiers led Jesus to Golgotha, what did they make Him carry? (A cross.)
6. How do we know that Jesus was not upset at the people for what they did? (He said, "Father forgiven them for they know not what they do.")
7. What are some of the things that happened as Jesus died? (There was darkness, a torn curtain in the temple, and an earthquake.)
8. For whom did Jesus die on the cross? (Everyone who asks for His forgiveness.)          

FUN TIME (10 minutes)

Power of the Cross (Activity) Click here


Forgiveness in Jesus (Craft) Click here

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)

Further info? Click here 
If available, you can use leftover items from the "Forgiveness in Jesus" craft. Otherwise, have treats of small candies in different colors like M&M's or Reese's Pieces to represent the many people in the world forgiven by Jesus.

Start by praising God for the treats and for His wonderful love. Thank Him for allowing Jesus to die on the cross. Because of what Jesus did, we can seek forgiveness for our own wrongdoings and not have to be separated from God.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)

Jesus on the Cross (Coloring Page) Click here


Next week we learn that Jesus is alive and someday He is coming back for us. We call that "Good News!"


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here