

Proper management of gifts, talents or resources given to you

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10


Draw Your Expression

Children will have fun recognizing their facial expressions as both givers and receivers.

Gifts From The Heart

This activity will teach children that God does not care if our gift is large or small, but rather He looks at the heart from which the gift was given.

Giving Stickers

The children will enjoy receiving a sticker to enlighten them of their feelings and expressions when giving and receiving.

Share What You Have

Children share what they have to complete a project for the greater good.


Made With Love

Children will enjoy making a card for someone special, while learning that God doesn’t look at the size of the gift but rather the heart of the giver.

Say Cheese!

Children enjoy creating a camera that helps them understand what it means to be a cheerful giver.


A Cheerful Giver

This lesson teaches children that God cares more about the heart of the giver than the gift itself.

My Gift Matters

This lesson illustrates how every gift given to God, no matter how large or small, is very important in building up God's Kingdom.