

Letting others have some of what you have (See also witnessing, giving)

"Share with God's people who are in need, practice hospitality." Romans 12:13


Draw Your Expression

Children will have fun recognizing their facial expressions as both givers and receivers.

Gifts From The Heart

This activity will teach children that God does not care if our gift is large or small, but rather He looks at the heart from which the gift was given.

Giving And Receiving

The children will enjoy an activity that will demonstrate how to give and receive.

Giving Stickers

The children will enjoy receiving a sticker to enlighten them of their feelings and expressions when giving and receiving.

Hearts Of Love Hunt

An Activity and a Craft where children search for missing hearts that once found make a special gift of love.

Love Your Neighbor

An activity to help children learn how they can love and help their neighbors.

Share What You Have

Children share what they have to complete a project for the greater good.


Say Cheese!

Children enjoy creating a camera that helps them understand what it means to be a cheerful giver.

Seven Good Years - Seven Bad Years

Children create a colorful grain silo to demonstrate the seven good years and seven bad years during the time Joseph was in Egypt.

Travel And Tell

This craft helps children consider items they would need to travel and tell others about Jesus.



A simple little game where children work together to quickly share a piece of color.

Hard Work Pays Off

Children pretend to pick up grain like Ruth to learn how good it is to work for the Lord.


A Cheerful Giver

This lesson teaches children that God cares more about the heart of the giver than the gift itself.

A King On Demand

This lesson will help the children understand that God is our King. He made us special and He provides for us. Therefore, we should enjoy what we have and never be jealous of others.

Aquila, Priscilla, And Apollos

This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we work together to share the love of Jesus.

Sharing Your Blessings

This lesson will help the children discover that Jesus is very pleased when they are willing to share their blessings with others who are in need.

Shine For Jesus

In this lesson, the children learn to be an example to non-believers by thinking and living like Christ.


Sharing Lunch

With Jesus, even the smallest of things can become amazingly great.


Little Rubber Ducky

A skit that teaches children how God wants us to share with others instead of being selfish and treat people how we want to be treated. (Skit for teacher and one puppet)


I Can Tell My Friends

Children are encouraged to share their faith with this song sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”

Share With God's People

An easy to learn chant about sharing with others and practicing hospitality, taken from Romans 12:13.


A Very Rich Young Man

A retelling of the story about a rich young man who wanted to follow Jesus. (Matthew 19: 13-22)

Fat Fat Elephant

(Storybook Available) A small elephant becomes too big for his friends.

Lamb Without A Bed

A story about an unselfish lamb who was rewarded by being part of a very important celebration.

The Wife Of Noble Character

A godly woman is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10-31(Paraphrased)