

Special to God, a Child of God (See also Self-Worth)

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14


God's Star

A coloring activity to help the children learn that God loves them and knows them by name.

Good Or Bad News?

The children will learn that sometimes we receive good news, whereas other times we receive bad news. Either way, our response to the news is the most important part.

Joseph's Coat Of Many Colors

Children learn about mixing colors, while creating a coat of many colors for Joseph.

My God, What Do You See?

A fun activity that helps children understand that God sees everything.


Robes Of Righteousness (Preschool)

Children add brilliant colors to show how they can rejoice in the Lord who clothes us with robes of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)


Born Again Self-portrait

Children enjoy creating a self-portrait to demonstrate how it feels to be born again.

Joseph's Robe

A fun chance for children to make their own version of Joseph’s fancy robe.

This Is Me

The children will enjoy this exercise in self-reflection.


A Chair For A Crown

Children play musical chairs for a chance to discover how special they are to Jesus and how much He loves them.


A King On Demand

This lesson will help the children understand that God is our King. He made us special and He provides for us. Therefore, we should enjoy what we have and never be jealous of others.

I Am Special To Jesus

In this Sunday school lesson, children discover that they are very important to Jesus. They are special in His eyes because they are God's children.

John The Baptist

Children will learn how John the Baptist was very special to God because he prepared the people for Jesus.

Joseph, Son Of Jacob

In this lesson, the kids will learn how behavior affects their relationship with friends and family, especially if they live in a large family where jealousy may be present.

My King Knows Me

This lesson will inspire the children to have the courage needed to do what God asks them to do. This lesson will also show that God knows and calls each of us by name.


If The Shoe Fits

Children will learn that having self-worth is better than being jealous.


Where Is Saul?

God calls Saul by name to be king. God also knows our names and calls us to Him. Sung to “Are You Sleeping?”