Do you ever wonder what is inside your friends’ heads? Jesus wants us to put Him first in our thoughts.
We honor God by making wise choices.
Children discover a simple but very effective way to make the right decisions.
A fun activity to show how making the right choice is always the best.
This puzzle teaches an important truth and helps children improve their fine motor skills.
The children will identify decisions that please and displease the Lord.
An activity to help children think about making healthy choices.
Many things are valuable, but nothing we desire is more valuable than godly wisdom.
This activity introduces children to the importance of making good choices.
The children will enjoy a fun activity that demonstrates how the Holy Spirit leads us on a path of righteousness.
Children learn they can choose what they say to others, but their words can be kind or unkind.
This display will remind the kids that they can follow Jesus and obey Him wherever they are, at home, in school, at church and even while playing.
A colorful scene showing the difference between the broad road to destruction and the narrow road leading to life as described by Jesus in Matthew 7:14
Children will enjoy completing this interactive bulletin board/coloring activity and seeing how they can put Jesus first with their words, actions, thoughts, and life.
Kids have fun coloring and connecting the dots to go to where they would like to live.
Ruth decides to stay with her mother-in-law Naomi, saying, "Where you go I will go, and your God will be my God." (Ruth 1:16)
This coloring page helps students see that a fool spends his life trying to satisfy his own sinful desires, while a wise person will live a life that pleases God.
Children make a door hanger to help them remember to be waiting, watching, and ready for when the Lord returns.
Children are introduced to good habits in this fun guessing game.
Being an obedient child of God is an everyday thing. We need to keep it up!
This lesson will introduce the children to a young man named Daniel. They will learn that from an early age, Daniel and three of his friends chose to live by God's standards, even if it meant standing up to the king.
From this lesson, children learn that our talents should be used to worship and honor God. Whatever we do, we should do it with all of our strength to please our Lord.
This lesson will show how Jesus was obedient to His Father's Will, even unto death. If we want to be just like Jesus, we must also be obedient to the Will of God and behave according to His commands.
This lesson, about David accepting God's offer to become king of Israel, will help the children realize that they must also accept God’s Gift of Heaven and everlasting life in His Kingdom.
This lesson will help the children understand that God gives them what they need in order to grow up both physically and spiritually.
This lesson will teach children that we need to think about what is right and what is wrong before we act.
In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah responds to God’s heart and plan. The children will discover that Nehemiah put the needs of his people over his own comfort.
This lesson will help children learn that God wants us to grow both physically and spiritually.
In this lesson, the children learn about Rahab, a woman of faith who helped protect the spies sent by Joshua to look over the Promised Land.
From this lesson, children learn that godly wisdom benefits others and is not self-serving. God gives His children true wisdom, when they seek it according to His Will.
This lesson helps children realize that it is important to learn more about God so they can trust Him to know what is best for their lives and to follow His commands.
In this lesson, children learn about the courageous faith and obedience of three young men named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
This lesson teaches children that Jesus is their shepherd and will guide them through good times and bad all the days of their lives.
From this lesson, children learn that they need to keep their lives focused on God. If not, there is a risk of other things creeping in and becoming more important.
How we act should show others that we love Jesus. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their everyday actions, whether it be at home, school, church, or with family and friends.
In this lesson, children learn how to put Jesus first in a more general way; with their lives. Putting Jesus first in everything is very pleasing to God.
What we think about is a big part of who we are. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their thoughts. They also learn how bad thoughts lead us to do bad things, but good thoughts lead us to do good things.
Children learn that nothing should come between us and our love for God.
Just as it takes the right environment to grow a beautiful flower, it also takes the right environment for us to grow spiritually.
(Audio Available) A song about Daniel and his friends doing what was right. Sung to the tune of "Are You Sleeping," also known as “Frère Jacques.”
A song that asks the children if they are putting Jesus first with what they are thinking. Sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”
(Storybook Available) Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.
The story of Balaam and his talking donkey on the journey to Moab as found in Numbers 22:21-35.
Mary shows how much she loves Jesus by doing something wonderful and unexpected.