

The bride and body of Christ; the Family of God (See also unity)

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27


Building The Church

The children will have fun building a church using their bodies.

Color God's World

Children learn to identify the country they live in and see how beautiful God made the world.

Colorful Love

Using shapes to represent colors, children create a colorful picture of a heart and cross resembling a stained glass church window.

I Can Learn About God

Children make a small book that teaches them about God.

Let's Go To Church!

A fun activity that encourages kids to go to church.

Share What You Have

Children share what they have to complete a project for the greater good.

The Helping Tour

The children take a quick church tour to visit places where people help others and serve God.

We Need God

A connect-the-pictures activity page where the children see that most of all, we need God.


The Church Is Our Home

A great bulletin board idea for teaching how children of God will live forever, because their real home Is with Jesus Christ.


Colorful Love

Using shapes to represent colors, children create a colorful picture of a heart and cross resembling a stained glass church window.


Match & Learn

Children increase their knowledge of God and improve their memory skills.


Let's Go To Church!

This lesson will help the children realize why it is important to go to church and learn about God.

Teach Me About God!

This lesson helps children realize that it is important to learn more about God so they can trust Him to know what is best for their lives and to follow His commands.

Who Will Go?

This lesson teaches children the importance of sharing the Good News to others. In this way, they can show their love and the love of Jesus to those around them.


Love The Lord Your God

The story of one Sunday school teacher who gave the children something more than a memory verse.