

A Follower or student of Jesus, discipleship (See also following Jesus, apostles)

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35


Fishers Of Men

This display will remind the kids that as disciples of Jesus, they are called to reach out in the community and invite others to church. (Mark 1:17)


The Twelve Apostles

(Certificate of Achievement) Give this attractive certificate to your students for memorizing the names of all Twelve Apostles.


Come, Follow Me

Jesus called Peter and his brother Andrew saying, "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Jesus And His Disciples

Children color Jesus as He tells parables to His disciples.

Jesus Calms The Storm

The disciples are amazed as even the storms and the waves obey Jesus.

Paul Escapes In A Basket

Paul's friends help him escape harm by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)

The Great Catch (Older Children)

Fishing on their own strength, the fishermen came up empty handed; nevertheless, the harvest Jesus provided was so great that it began to sink the boats. (Luke 5:1-11)

The Great Catch (Younger Children)

Fishing on their own strength, the fishermen came up empty handed; nevertheless, the harvest Jesus provided was so great that it began to sink the boats. (Luke 5:1-11)

The Holy Spirit On Pentecost

This coloring page helps the children to visualize the disciples as they receive the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.


Joyful Jail Treat

A fun food craft to show how Paul and Silas gave praise to God even while in jail.

Let Your Light Shine

Children learn that it is important to tell others about Jesus with this fun filled craft.


Follow Jesus

In this version of “Simon Says,” children must carefully watch for Jesus before following any command.

Go Fish

Children learn what it means to be fishers of men, with this classic card game.


The Disciples

The disciples needed God’s help, and we need His help too!


Don't Hide Your Light

Children learn the importance of using the tools God gives us and how to be a light to those around us.


The Twelve Apostles

(Certificate of Achievement) Give this attractive certificate to your students for memorizing the names of all Twelve Apostles.