A fun activity to help help younger children understand how tall King Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue was.
Children improve their fine motor skills while having fun putting the picture together.
Children practice street smarts as they learn what the Bible says about being patient and brave while waiting for the Lord.
Kids pretend to walk on water by stepping on some friendly creatures.
Queen Esther on her way to speak to the king on behalf of her people.
Daniel is found innocent before the Lord and survives the den of lions. (Daniel 6:22)
Children learn that even the biggest problems crumble when we put our faith in God.
God's angel protects Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace. (Daniel 3:25-28)
Joshua and the Israelites getting ready to go into the promised land.
Paul's friends help him escape harm by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)
Rahab helps Joshua's spies escape from the King of Jericho.
Children use their creativity to fashion ferocious lions out of clay, in preparation for the lesson about Daniel and the Lion's Den.
Lions become tasty treats for the kids as they remember how God protected Daniel in the lions' den.
A fun craft to help remind us that God can offer protection in unusual ways, like when Paul's friends lowered him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)
This craft helps children remember why Rahab helped the Israelite spies.
God's angel protects Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace.
In this game, children find Saul as he tries to hide behind some baggage, and learn that bravery means answering the call of God.
A new spin on a old game. Are the kids as brave as David?
Finding Saul may be tricky. In this game, children learn that God always knows where they are and they need not be afraid.
Children discover how Queen Esther saved the Jewish people and learn that we should also help others whenever we can.
In this lesson, children discover how God kept Daniels safe from harm. They will also learn that when they remain faithful and trust in God, He will also help them during troublesome times.
In this lesson, the children will learn how Gideon defeated a huge army with only 300 men. Although he was far outnumbered, Gideon knew that with God, all things are possible.
This lesson will help children understand how God watches over them and protects them at all times and wherever they may be.
This lesson will teach the children that the Lord Jesus is always there to help, no matter where or when we need Him.
This lesson will teach the children that with faith in Jesus, they can have the courage to do mighty things.
In this lesson, the children learn how the Lord appointed Joshua to be the leader of Israel after the death of Moses. God gave Joshua the big job of leading His people into the promised land.
This lesson will inspire the children to have the courage needed to do what God asks them to do. This lesson will also show that God knows and calls each of us by name.
In this lesson, the children learn about Rahab, a woman of faith who helped protect the spies sent by Joshua to look over the Promised Land.
In this lesson, children learn about the courageous faith and obedience of three young men named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
Through the familiar story of David and Goliath, the children learn that God is more powerful than even our most fearful enemies. When we believe in Him, and call upon His name, the power of God is there to give us faith and courage.
In this lesson, Paul begins to preach that Jesus is the son of God. However, his life is now in more danger than ever. Children learn that God can change a person’s life and He is there to protect and lead the way.
This lesson will help young children understand that they can trust God to be there, even when life gets scary. God is able to help us no matter how big our problems may seem to be.
This lesson will help children understand the importance of being ready while waiting for Jesus' return. They will also learn what it means to be patient.
A puppet skit that teaches children that God is always with them and always there to protect them, even in the big, bad darkness. (Skit for two puppets)
A skit about David and Goliath that teaches children that it is important to know God and to serve only Him. (Skit for up to four)
(Audio Available) A song about the power of God found in David as he faced the fearless giant named Goliath. Sung to the tune, “The Ants Go Marching."
A lively song about brave Queen Esther Sung to the theme song from “Flipper.”
(Audio Available) A song about the gift of courage by trusting and following Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Deck the Halls.”
(Storybook Available) A little boy defeats the monsters in his closet with God's love.
A story of a mighty warrior named Gideon, who trusted the Lord to defeat a powerful enemy. Gideon learned that nothing is impossible with God. (Judges 6-7)
The story of how God placed Queen Esther in the right place at the right time to save her people.
A retelling of the story of the exploration of Canaan.