

Excusing someone of an offense, God's forgiveness of our sins

"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew 26:28
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  Ephesians 4:32


Collage Of Forgiveness

The children will create a class project to learn about forgiveness.

Forgiveness Is A Gift Of Love

A counting activity that teaches children that forgiveness is a gift of love.

Forgiveness Puzzle

The children will color and create puzzles as a reminder to forgive.

Forgiveness Web

The children will have fun practicing telling each other that they forgive each other.

Grumble Jar

The children will reflect on all the things about which they grumble, argue, and complain. They will repent and ask God for forgiveness.

Importance Of Forgiveness

Children learn the importance of forgiving others, as God forgives us.

Power Of The Cross

Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins, and give us a way back to God.

Who Is Forgiving?

This activity helps children learn that it pleases God when we forgive others.


The Parable Of The Lost Son

The parable of the prodigal son demonstrates God's Love for us. Luke 15:11-32


A Special Card From God

Children will be curious about what the message might be if God sent them a Valentine's card.

Forgiveness Coin

The children will have fun making a craft reminding themselves that God’ forgiveness is unlimited and new every day.

Forgiveness In Jesus

Children make an edible treat which represents how Jesus died on the cross to forgive the sins of all the people in the world.

Pray For Your Enemies

Children will enjoy this craft as they learn to love and pray for their enemies.

White As Snow

A happy snowman to help the kids learn, "Your sins are like deep red cloth. But they can be as white as snow" Isaiah 1:18 (NCV)


A New Me

The children will enjoy a card game while learning how to become new in Christ.

Race To Forgive

The children will retrieve index cards and spell “FORGIVE.”


Chance After Chance

In this lesson, the children will learn how much God loves them, as He offers them the gift of salvation through Jesus from who they can receive new beginnings.

God Is Merciful

This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that God is merciful and forgiving.

Jesus Forgives

In this Easter lesson, kids learn that Jesus loves us so much He died on the cross to forgive our sins. Through His wonderful act of love, we can be children of God and live with Him someday in Heaven.

Joseph Forgives His Brothers

In this lesson, children learn the importance of forgiving others. When we forgive others, we make more room in our hearts for the love of Jesus.

Repent And Follow God

In this lesson, the children will learn that God wants His people to follow Him with pure hearts.

The Prodigal Son

This lesson will teach children the qualities of a loving father and that all of us can have this type of loving relationship with our Heavenly Father.

True Love Is Forgiving

This lesson teaches children that true love is forgiving because God is forgiving.



The children will enjoy an activity that teaches them about God’s newness each day.

No Way Across?

Jesus is able to restore the gap that sin created between men and God.

Sin Spoils

A little bit of mold can ruin a sandwich. Just like a little bit of sin, without Jesus can keep us out of Heaven.


Oh Where Has He Gone?

(Audio Available) A song about the Prodigal Son coming back home to his father. Sung to the tune, “Oh Where oh Where has my Little Dog Gone.”


Jesus And The Cross

The story about Jesus on trial before Pilate and the events that led to His death on the cross. Taken from Matthew 27:11-44, Mark 15:1-41, Luke 23:1-49, and John 18:28-19:37