Children learn to identify the country they live in and see how beautiful God made the world.
Children learn about mixing colors, while creating a coat of many colors for Joseph.
This activity helps children understand that God wants us to remember our parents' teachings.
A Mother's Day coloring activity. First the children connect the babies with their correct mommy, then color the pictures.
A great bulletin board idea for teaching how children of God will live forever, because their real home Is with Jesus Christ.
Abraham (Abram) tries to count the stars, because God promised that he would be blessed with as many children as there were stars in the sky. (Genesis 15:5)
God's plan for Joseph's life is revealed to his brothers. (Genesis 45:1-14)
The parable of the prodigal son demonstrates God's Love for us. Luke 15:11-32
The children will create a special card to honor their mothers, grandmothers, or other female role model in their lives.
Children create a craft to tell their fathers, grandfathers or other important male role models how much they are loved.
A great craft to teach children that they are never too young to help.
This lesson will help the children understand that they should grow both physically and spiritually so they can help and serve others in need.
In this lesson the children discover that Jesus was a child just like them, but He was also God's one and only Son. The children will also learn how God shows love for His Son and how He loves us just as much.
In this lesson, children learn the importance of forgiving others. When we forgive others, we make more room in our hearts for the love of Jesus.
In this lesson, the kids will learn how behavior affects their relationship with friends and family, especially if they live in a large family where jealousy may be present.
This lesson will help the children realize why it is important to go to church and learn about God.
A lesson to celebrate mothers everywhere, for Mother's Day or anytime of the year. Children learn about three special mothers in the Bible and take home special gifts for their own mothers.
This lesson will teach children the qualities of a loving father and that all of us can have this type of loving relationship with our Heavenly Father.
An illustration to show the children the depth of God's love for them.
Children learn that no matter their age, they can be a helper for Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”
Little ones learn to become big helpers for Jesus in this song. Sung to the tune of “I'm a Little Teapot.”
(Audio Available) A song about the Prodigal Son coming back home to his father. Sung to the tune, “Oh Where oh Where has my Little Dog Gone.”
Mother’s Day is a great time to remind the children how mothers are special. This story is about some mothers found in the Bible, who we honor and remember for whom they really are: amazing mommies.
This is a story about Jacob’s son Joseph, whose life was as colorful as his robe.