This activity will help young children gain an understanding of the obstacles that Nehemiah faced while rebuilding the wall.
Children come aboard the boat to show how much Jesus cares about them.
The children will learn what it takes to build a “wall” of faith.
The children will learn that it takes action to make something right.
The children will learn that sometimes we receive good news, whereas other times we receive bad news. Either way, our response to the news is the most important part.
A fun activity to help help younger children understand how tall King Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue was.
The children will enjoy learning why it is so fun to have new things and connect it with why God wants us to desire new things in Christ.
Children discover there are many important things, but nothing is more
important than Jesus.
The children will divide new and old items to discover how Jesus changes hearts.
The children will enjoy a brief activity that will teach them how to apply prayer's power of protection.
Children improve their fine motor skills while having fun putting the picture together.
Children put pictures of Rahab hiding the spies in order according to the Bible story.
Kids pretend to walk on water by stepping on some friendly creatures.
Children learn that God can do anything that He wants to do. We pray according to His Will.
The children will learn that many times broken things can be repaired when we ask God for help and wisdom.
David battles the giant Goliath.
The centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant.
Only one of the ten lepers returns to thank Jesus.
Nehemiah and his friends stand firm in the face of opposition and remain focused on God’s plan as they rebuild Jerusalem's wall.
Rahab helps Joshua's spies escape from the King of Jericho.
The children will decorate their own alabaster box to dedicate to Jesus as an offering.
Children learn the importance of prayer, while having fun creating a set of animated praying hands.
Children will have their own special hospital bracelet displaying Jesus as their healer.
The children will learn that the contents of our hearts are important to God.
God's angel protects Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace.
Children learn the nine characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit while playing a fun, interactive game.
The children will have fun responding to certain commands. At the same time, they will connect how Biblical characters immediately responded by praying during both good and bad times.
Even when we are unable to see, we can still know Jesus is there for us.
In this lesson, the children will learn about a mother’s obedience, faith and belief in God. When she shared what little provision she had, she was given more than she could ever expect in return.
In this lesson about Hannah and the birth of Samuel, the children will learn about the power of sincere prayer.
In this lesson, the children will learn that they can see Jesus, when they seek Him with all their heart.
Children discover how Queen Esther saved the Jewish people and learn that we should also help others whenever we can.
In this lesson, children discover how God kept Daniels safe from harm. They will also learn that when they remain faithful and trust in God, He will also help them during troublesome times.
This lesson series will help children realize that they can bring glory to God by walking in the Spirit and bearing good fruit in their lives.
In this lesson, the children will discuss and discover how to get rid of the old and put on the new by being in Christ.
This lesson will help the children understand that Jesus is the only way to our Father in Heaven. It is through Jesus alone that we can have Salvation and Eternal Life.
This lesson will teach the children that with faith in Jesus, they can have the courage to do mighty things.
This lesson will teach children that obeying God is always the best!
In this lesson, the children learn how the Lord appointed Joshua to be the leader of Israel after the death of Moses. God gave Joshua the big job of leading His people into the promised land.
This lesson will teach children that we need to think about what is right and what is wrong before we act.
In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah responds to God’s heart and plan. The children will discover that Nehemiah put the needs of his people over his own comfort.
When we work hard, we will learn more about God!
In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah persevered even as obstacle after obstacle attempted to thwart his mission of rebuilding the wall.
In this lesson, the children learn about Rahab, a woman of faith who helped protect the spies sent by Joshua to look over the Promised Land.
In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah stood firm in the face of opposition and remained focused on God’s plan by inspecting and repairing the walls in Jerusalem.
In this lesson, the children will discover that they belong to God. They also learn that they can choose whether to follow Him in faith.
In this lesson, Paul is under arrest and must sail to Rome to stand trial before Caesar. The dangerous journey gives Paul another opportunity to put his faith in God. Children learn that God is trustworthy and always cares about them.
In this lesson about the battle of Jericho, children learn that even their biggest problems crumble when they put their faith in God.
In this lesson, children learn about the courageous faith and obedience of three young men named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
Through the familiar story of David and Goliath, the children learn that God is more powerful than even our most fearful enemies. When we believe in Him, and call upon His name, the power of God is there to give us faith and courage.
Through an event that takes place in the New Testament, children will learn what it means to have faith in Jesus, and they will see how the Power of God works in the lives of those who believe in Him.
When we place our faith in God, even the biggest problems crumble.
Children will see the goodness of God’s Power while trying to use a remote control.
A puppet skit that teaches children that God is always with them and always there to protect them, even in the big, bad darkness. (Skit for two puppets)
Children will learn about the faith of a centurion and the power of God to perform miracles. (Skit for two puppets)
A short skit to show the children that it is important to seek Jesus with all of your heart. (Skit for one puppet)
(Audio Available) A song about a blind man named Bartimaeus who received his sight from the Lord. (Mark 10:46-52) Sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping,” also known as "Frère Jacques."
(Audio Available) A song about the power of God found in David as he faced the fearless giant named Goliath. Sung to the tune, “The Ants Go Marching."
Children have fun singing about the different animals and sounds aboard Noah's Ark. Sung to "Old McDonald Had a Farm."
(Audio Available) A song about one of the ways God provided for His people to enter the Promised Land. Sung to the tune of “London Bridge is Falling Down.”
(Audio Available) Children sing about giving their sorrows, fears, and worries to the Lord. Sung to “Jesus Loves Me."
Children are encouraged to stand firm in their faith with this song sung to the tune of “Frere Jacque.”
A lively song about brave Queen Esther Sung to the theme song from “Flipper.”
(Audio Available) A song about the gift of courage by trusting and following Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Deck the Halls.”
Children are encouraged to put their entire hearts into all of their actions and to act in the Lord’s name. Sung to “London Bridge Is Falling Down”
God asks us to trust Him because He cares for us. In this story, the Apostle Paul shows how he believes God during a dangerous voyage. (Acts 27)
A story of a mighty warrior named Gideon, who trusted the Lord to defeat a powerful enemy. Gideon learned that nothing is impossible with God. (Judges 6-7)
The story of how God continued to use Joseph in good times and bad.
The story of how God placed Queen Esther in the right place at the right time to save her people.
Hannah prayed for a child for many years. When the time was right, God answered her prayer.
A retelling of the story of the exploration of Canaan.