

Anticipation or awareness of danger, to be afraid (See also courage)

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you." Isaiah 43:5


Be Quiet! Be Still!

A fun pretending activity to show how Jesus can calm the storms in a young person's life.

Fear Not!

Children will acknowledge their fears and learn how to trust in the Lord.

Giants In The Land

An "I Spy" activity based on Israel's search for the "Promised Land"

God Is With Me When I'm Scared

Print an activity page for each child in class.

I Spy A Giant Killer

An "I Spy" activity based on David and Goliath.


Don't Worry, God Reigns!

Giants in the land, no problem, our God reigns!


Helper Puppets

The children create puppets to learn about helping others.

Lion Crackers

Lions become tasty treats for the kids as they remember how God protected Daniel in the lions' den.


Fear No Evil

The children will have fun playing a fun, musical game similar to a cakewalk.



This lesson teaches children that God will help them when they are scared to obey.

Daniel And The Lions' Den

In this lesson, children discover how God kept Daniels safe from harm. They will also learn that when they remain faithful and trust in God, He will also help them during troublesome times.

God Is With Me

This lesson teaches children that God is always with them, comforting them and helping them face their fears.

Rahab And The Spies

In this lesson, the children learn about Rahab, a woman of faith who helped protect the spies sent by Joshua to look over the Promised Land.


No More Fears

Children will cheer when they learn how their fears can disappear.


Big, Bad Darkness

A puppet skit that teaches children that God is always with them and always there to protect them, even in the big, bad darkness. (Skit for two puppets)


David And Goliath

(Audio Available) A song about the power of God found in David as he faced the fearless giant named Goliath. Sung to the tune, “The Ants Go Marching."

Lighten My Load

(Audio Available) Children sing about giving their sorrows, fears, and worries to the Lord. Sung to “Jesus Loves Me."

They Call Her Esther

A lively song about brave Queen Esther Sung to the theme song from “Flipper.”


Giant Fears

(Storybook Available) A little boy defeats the monsters in his closet with God's love.

Queen Esther Saves Her People

The story of how God placed Queen Esther in the right place at the right time to save her people.