Giants in the Land
An "I Spy" activity based on Israel's search for the "Promised Land"
TOPICS:Fear, Promises, Protection, Provision, Word of God MATERIALS:Activity sheet [PDF] Click here DURATION:Approximately 7 minutes |
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Before class, print one copy of the activity sheet.
Have the children sit in front of you as if you were getting ready to tell a story to them. Say "Today we are going to hear another great story from God's Word the Bible, but before we do I have a fun activity for all of you! Did you know that the Bible is full of exciting people, far away places, heroes, villains, beauty queens, and all kinds of other cool stuff? It's true, the Bible is the best book in the world! We're going to play a game of "I Spy" with this little poster." Show the children the activity sheet that you printed out earlier. Then say, "Here are the rules. I'll describe something that's contained on the poster, when you think you know what it is say "I SPY". I will call on you and then you can tell me what it is I was describing."
Describe the following items without naming them:
Finish by telling the children that we can find all of these things, and much more, in our Bibles. Mention that all of these things belong together in a story, as Moses had sent 12 men to check out the land God had promised Israel. These spies saw many things, for example giants, huge grapes, and a land flowing with milk and honey. (Numbers 13-14) Take a few minutes to let the children share about some of the things they have found in the Bible that they think are really cool.