Children have fun guessing whose name belongs to whom as they pretend to be like
some very special people in the Bible.
The children will identify discontentment or contentment in their own hearts.
This activity encourages children to reflect on those they think about the most and encourage these people to live for Christ.
Children see they can follow the light of the Lord by reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, and going to church.
The light is always with us when we follow the Son of God. Use this bulletin board to display key Bible verses about following Jesus.
Paul's friends help him escape harm by lowering him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)
Paul hears an angel tell him how to survive a shipwreck. (Acts 27:23-24)
Paul waves goodbye before sailing to Rome to stand trial before Caesar. (Acts 27)
A fun food craft to show how Paul and Silas gave praise to God even while in jail.
A fun craft to help remind us that God can offer protection in unusual ways, like when Paul's friends lowered him from the city wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)
Children pretend they are Saul after becoming blind on the road to Damascus, and try to find Ananias.
A game similar to "Pin the tail on the donkey," instead the children have fun helping Paul become strong in his faith by giving him the cross.
A game of fast action and agility. Hurry, or you will be out of the game.
Children pretend a giant earthquake rumbles and crumbles the jail where Paul and Silas are held as prisoners.
In this lesson, the children will learn the difference between a need and a want. They will discover the key to contentment.
A four lesson series about the life and times of the Apostle Paul. Children learn of the miraculous change in Paul's life and discover how courage, protection, and joy come from faithfully following Jesus.
The children will have fun watching a skit to learn about having plenty.
We have a friend indeed, and His name is Jesus Christ. Sung to “Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here.”
Saul was headed down the wrong way, until the bright light of Jesus changed his life for good. Sung to “London Bridge is Falling Down.”
God asks us to trust Him because He cares for us. In this story, the Apostle Paul shows how he believes God during a dangerous voyage. (Acts 27)
A story of joy that came about because Paul and his friend Silas continued to worship and sing to the Lord while in jail. (Acts 16:16-34)
The story of when Paul's friends helped him escape from Damascus by lowering him in a basket through an opening in the city wall. (Acts 9:19-27)