

God will provide everything we need

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19


A Good Friend

An activity to show children how God can use our friends to help in times of need and how we should have patience to let God answer our prayers.

Birds Of The Air

A counting and coloring activity that helps children learn their left from their right, while learning that God cares for the creatures He has created.

Catch It If You Can

This activity will teach children how hard tasks become easier when we listen to God's instructions.

Count Your Blessings

A simple activity that will help children acknowledge how blessed they truly are.

Giants In The Land

An "I Spy" activity based on Israel's search for the "Promised Land"

God Gives Us Tasty Things To Eat

Children enjoy coloring their favorite foods as they learn that all good things come from God.

God Is My Helper

The children will discover just how much God provides and helps us.

God Provides

An activity to help the children understand that God provides for everyone in different ways.

Got Fish?

An old favorite but with a few new surprises.

How Many Loaves?

Children learn about God’s provision through this cut-and-paste activity.

Joseph In Egypt - Count And Color

Students learn about grouping items together using Joseph's adventures in Egypt as the basis of the activity.

Needs Verses Wants

This activity will help children learn the difference between a need and a want.

Sink The Boat

The children will enjoy a fun activity that demonstrates how vast the fishermen’s catch was with Jesus’ help.

Thanksgiving Plate

A fun activity that helps remind children of the many things for which they should be grateful.

Treasure Jars

The children will learn that God is the ultimate helper because He provides for us.

Turkey Hunt

Children will have fun finding turkeys and thanking God for His many blessings.

What's In Your Basket?

An activity to show the children how God provides in many different ways.


God Is Good

A very colorful bulletin board to show thanksgiving to God for all the great things He provides.



Coloring page of Elijah showing how God Provides food for those who fear Him. Psalm 111:5

Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

Jesus feeds 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish given to Him by a young boy.

Land Of Want

Kids have fun coloring and connecting the dots to go to where they would like to live.


Picture Boxes

A coloring project that will show how Jesus is there to answer our prayers and provide for our needs.

Promised Land Trail Mix

It is important to follow the leader's instructions, especially if the instructions come from God.

Ruth's Basket

Children design their own basket to collect grain like Ruth did in the field belonging to Boaz.

Seven Good Years - Seven Bad Years

Children create a colorful grain silo to demonstrate the seven good years and seven bad years during the time Joseph was in Egypt.

Thanksgiving Basket

A simple, yet colorful basket young children can enjoy filling with God’s provisions.

Throw Out Your Nets

Children create a Bible scene showing how Jesus miraculously helped His disciples catch many fish. (John 21:1-14)

Water Into Wine

This craft helps children remember Jesus' first miracle, when He turned water into wine.


Hard Work Pays Off

Children pretend to pick up grain like Ruth to learn how good it is to work for the Lord.

Miracle Food Drop

A fun game of catch to show how God can provide in miraculous ways.

Pick Up Manna And Quail

A game to see how quickly the children can gather manna and quail, like the Israelites did when God provided for them in the wilderness.

Storing Up The Wheat

Children race to be the first team to store up seven years of grain.

Turkey Hunt

A fun Thanksgiving game for young children that involves patience and teamwork.


A Friend In Need

This lesson will help the children understand how they can pray boldly and ask God to provide for their needs and the needs of others. Children will also learn different ways they can treat others that will help show God's love.

Be Content

In this lesson, the children will learn the difference between a need and a want. They will discover the key to contentment.


This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we show compassion to others.

Give Thanks To God

This Sunday school lesson will help children learn how important it is to give thanks to whom it is owed: God, the Father.

God Blesses Me

This lesson teaches children that God cares for all the creatures He has created, but He cares for us most of all and gives us many blessings.

God Is With Me

This lesson teaches children that God is always with them, comforting them and helping them face their fears.

God Protects Me

This lesson will help children understand how God watches over them and protects them at all times and wherever they may be.

God Speaks To Elijah

In this lesson, children learn how God provides for them in miraculous ways when they are obedient to His Word.

God Will Bless Me

This lesson teaches children that God will provide and bless those that believe and follow Him.

Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

This lesson will help the children understand that Jesus can provide whatever we need to satisfy our hunger, because He Himself is the bread of life.

Joseph In Egypt

In this lesson, children are introduced to the principal of trusting God in both good times and in bad times.

Needing God

In this lesson, the children will learn that they need God. God is the Creator of everything, and without Him we would have nothing.

Nehemiah's Response

In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah responds to God’s heart and plan. The children will discover that Nehemiah put the needs of his people over his own comfort.

Provision In The Wilderness

This lesson will show the children how God will provide even during the toughest of times. He provided bread and meat for the Israelites while wandering in the wilderness.

Real Thanksgiving

This Sunday school lesson will help the children understand how they can show thanks for all that God has provided.

Ruth Works For God

In this lesson, children discover how God shows kindness and provides for them in many ways. They will also learn that working to please God is better than working only to please people.

The Lord Is My Shepherd

This lesson teaches children that Jesus is their shepherd and will guide them through good times and bad all the days of their lives.

The Twelve Spies

This lesson will help young children understand that they can trust God to be there, even when life gets scary. God is able to help us no matter how big our problems may seem to be.


Be Grateful For What God Gives You

The children show their thankfulness as they realize how our loving Father gives us all that we need.

If The Shoe Fits

Children will learn that having self-worth is better than being jealous.

Sharing Lunch

With Jesus, even the smallest of things can become amazingly great.


I Have Plenty

The children will have fun watching a skit to learn about having plenty.


Picking Up Manna

A song about a picking up manna and quail provided by God to the Israelites while they were wandering in the wilderness. (Exodus 16) Sung to the tune of “The Paw Paw Patch.”

Ten Ravens

Kids count up to ten while remembering how God provided for the prophet Elijah. Sung to the tune of “The Ants Go Marching.”


The Twelve Spies

A retelling of the story of the exploration of Canaan.