
Pleasing God

Doing things according to God's Will (See also honoring God)

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'" Matthew 22:37


A Piece Of Saul's Robe

In this coloring activity, children help King Saul find the missing corner of his robe that was cut off by David.

Balloon Thoughts

Do you ever wonder what is inside your friends’ heads? Jesus wants us to put Him first in our thoughts.

Build It Together

Children learn how teamwork can benefit our Christian service as they have fun building a structure together.

Daniel Eats Vegetables

Children discover a simple but very effective way to make the right decisions.

Give God Your Best

Children will color two pages, one sloppy, and the other as neat as possible, to learn how God desires the best from us.

Giving My Best

A fun activity to show how making the right choice is always the best.

Good Or Bad King?

The children will respond to prompts that describe good and bad kings.

Keys To Godly Wisdom

Many things are valuable, but nothing we desire is more valuable than godly wisdom.

Let's Go To Church!

A fun activity that encourages kids to go to church.

Nehemiah Stands Firm

The children will enjoy a cut and paste activity to remind them that despite difficult times, they can stand firm and believe the impossible.

Temple Builders

A puzzle that improves children's hand-eye coordination and number recognition, while they learn about the temple built by King Solomon.

Using Words In A Kind Way

Children learn they can choose what they say to others, but their words can be kind or unkind.


Putting Jesus First

Children will enjoy completing this interactive bulletin board/coloring activity and seeing how they can put Jesus first with their words, actions, thoughts, and life.

Work Of His Hands

God makes us different for a reason. We all have a purpose. As Jeremiah discovered while observing the potter as he made clay vessels, God can use us in any way He chooses. We are His children, and He is our Lord. (Jeremiah 18:1-10)


Nehemiah Rebuilds The Wall

Nehemiah and his friends stand firm in the face of opposition and remain focused on God’s plan as they rebuild Jerusalem's wall.

The Building Of Solomon's Temple

Workers begin the construction of Solomon's temple.


Giving My Best To Jesus

Children will make their own bottle of “perfume” and give their best to Jesus.

Serve God Everyday

Kids move up and down a footprint to show how they serve the Lord each day of the week.

What's In Your Heart?

Children fill their hearts with words to describe how they will treat others when they put Jesus first in their own lives.


Plague Of Frogs

A crazy fast paced game where Pharaoh hopelessly tries to catch all the frogs.


Abel Pleases God

This Sunday school lesson teaches that we are children of God and that He is pleased when we give to Him in the right way.

An Obedient Child

This lesson will show how Jesus was obedient to His Father's Will, even unto death. If we want to be just like Jesus, we must also be obedient to the Will of God and behave according to His commands.

God Gives Us The Bible

This lesson will help children understand that the Bible is a precious gift from God. The Bible teaches us how to live a life that will please God.

Honoring God

David spares Saul's life to show us that even in difficult situations, we should honor God and do what pleases Him.

I Can Talk To God

This Sunday school lesson will help the children know how much it pleases God when they talk with Him through prayer.


A four lesson series about the life of King Solomon, known for his great wisdom. Children learn that our Lord gives us many talents and blessings, but we must always use them in ways that honor God.

Persevere And Protect

In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah persevered even as obstacle after obstacle attempted to thwart his mission of rebuilding the wall.

Repairing The Walls

In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah stood firm in the face of opposition and remained focused on God’s plan by inspecting and repairing the walls in Jerusalem.

Ten Rules To Live By

In this lesson, the children will learn that God gave us ten commandments, or rules, to live by. By following these rules, our lives will be pleasing to God.

The Religious Leaders

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Religious Leaders who were too busy to notice that Jesus had been born. We will talk about the difference between having a head full of knowledge and a heart full of knowledge during the Christmas season.

With Our Actions

How we act should show others that we love Jesus. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their everyday actions, whether it be at home, school, church, or with family and friends.

With Our Lives

In this lesson, children learn how to put Jesus first in a more general way; with their lives. Putting Jesus first in everything is very pleasing to God.

With Our Thoughts

What we think about is a big part of who we are. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their thoughts. They also learn how bad thoughts lead us to do bad things, but good thoughts lead us to do good things.

With Our Words

In this lesson, children learn how God wants us to control what comes out of our mouths so we can use our words for good and not hurt others. Our words need to reflect the love of Jesus.


Known By Our Fruits

What would you rather eat, a rotten banana or one that is nice and ripe?

Shaky Foundation

We need to build our lives on the solid foundation God provides.


Be Careful Little Tongues

(Audio Available) A song about how we can please God by being careful with what we say. Sung to the tune,“Oh Be Careful Little Eyes.”

Put Jesus First

A song about how the lives of others are affected when we decide to put Jesus first in our own lives. Sung to “Oh Where oh Where has my Little Dog Gone?”

The Thinking Song

A song that asks the children if they are putting Jesus first with what they are thinking. Sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”

Whatever You Do

Children are encouraged to put their entire hearts into all of their actions and to act in the Lord’s name. Sung to “London Bridge Is Falling Down”


A Friend For Beetle

(Storybook Available) Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.

A Very Rich Young Man

A retelling of the story about a rich young man who wanted to follow Jesus. (Matthew 19: 13-22)

How David Honors God

The story of how David honors God after cutting off a piece of Saul's robe in a cave. (1 Samuel 18: 5-8; 24:1-20)

Jesus Is Anointed

Mary shows how much she loves Jesus by doing something wonderful and unexpected.

Nehemiah Rebuilds

In this story, Nehemiah trusts that God will grant him success in restoring Jerusalem's wall and gates. Nehemiah puts his hope and faith in God’s protection and provision while persevering through obstacles.

Oh, Be Careful Little Tongue

(Storybook Available) A young girl learns to be careful with what she says, so her friends won't be hurt by her words.

Showing God's Love

A young girl shows how much she loves God by putting Jesus first in her life.