The children will guess the contents of each box to learn about living for Jesus.
An activity to teach children that the world and their classroom is a much better place because of rules.
Children enjoy solving the puzzle, while learning that God protects us.
The children will learn what it takes to build a “wall” of faith.
The children will learn that it takes action to make something right.
The children will complete a maze and color the pictures to remind them to serve God by telling others about Jesus.
Print an activity page for each child in class.
The children will learn that we produce good things when we obey God.
The children will respond to prompts that describe good and bad kings.
The children learn about compassion by matching the events and coloring pictures.
The children will discover items they can use to help others.
Children learn about God’s provision through this cut-and-paste activity.
This activity reminds children that it is important to obey their parents.
As children obey instructions, they get to help create a color coat, like the one which was given to Joseph.
The children will match ways to serve God with all of their hearts.
This activity helps children understand that God wants us to remember our parents' teachings.
This activity helps children understand that God expects us to think about our decisions before we act.
An activity to teach children that parent's rules and God's rules are designed to keep us safe.
The children will create a book to use to tell their friends about Jesus.
The children will learn to tell one another about Jesus while working together.
The children will practice identifying good and bad decisions.
The children will learn that God is the ultimate helper because He provides for us.
Children learn how to watch and pray to keep them from sinning or being tempted to disobey.
An activity to help children think about living their lives for God.
The children will identify the helpers in the pictures.
Children circle the pictures that show who is being a good helper for God.
The children will identify helpers and color the pictures.
Some people we should obey, others we should not, but we should always follow and obey Jesus.
Children decide which cartoon characters chose to obey.
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. (John 15:10)
This display will remind the kids that they can follow Jesus and obey Him wherever they are, at home, in school, at church and even while playing.
God protects Noah and the animals aboard the ark as the rain falls and the waters flood the earth. Great for preschool.
Children learn that even the biggest problems crumble when we put our faith in God.
Joshua and the Israelites getting ready to go into the promised land.
Noah did everything just as God commanded him. In this scene Noah is busy building the ark.
The children will color shapes to discover a special picture.
The children will identify a time and a way to help others.
The children will create a book to help them remember to pray.
The children will create a booklet to remind them to ask God for help through prayer.
A mobile craft to help the children remember the most important commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Mark 12:30)
The children create puppets to learn about helping others.
The children will practice looking for ways to help others.
The children will make a craft to remind them to obey God.
The children will learn to act on what is good and not on what is evil.
The children will create a class craft to demonstrate God’s love.
The children will learn that the contents of our hearts are important to God.
Kids make masks of Noah and the animals which can be used in games, skits, and songs.
The children will make a craft to help them remember to tell their friends about Jesus.
Kids move up and down a footprint to show how they serve the Lord each day of the week.
The children will color hearts for one another to remember to stick together.
The children will make a craft to remind them to obey God.
The children race to organize balloons while learning about good and bad choices.
God will be our guide when we choose to follow close to Him.
Children eagerly move around the room trying to find their matching animal.
A fun game similar to Simon Says that will help the children learn to put Jesus first.
The children will play a game about the importance of working together to share the good news of Jesus.
The children will learn to guard their hearts from sin.
The children will help one another complete an obstacle course.
This game will help children practice coming up with ways to help in different situations.
The children race to be the first to spell “JESUS.”
Being an obedient child of God is an everyday thing. We need to keep it up!
The children will practice listening first and acting second.
The children will play a matching game and learn about ways to help.
In this version of “Simon Says,”
dogs bark and beg, cats meow and lick their paws, and ducks quack and waddle
The children play a game that encourages them to “find” ways to obey!
The children will identify good things that follow Jesus’ example.
Each child will work with a friend to win a race.
This lesson will introduce the children to a young man named Daniel. They will learn that from an early age, Daniel and three of his friends chose to live by God's standards, even if it meant standing up to the king.
In this lesson, the children will learn about a mother’s obedience, faith and belief in God. When she shared what little provision she had, she was given more than she could ever expect in return.
This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we help others!
This lesson will show how Jesus was obedient to His Father's Will, even unto death. If we want to be just like Jesus, we must also be obedient to the Will of God and behave according to His commands.
This lesson teaches children that God will help them when they are scared to obey.
This lesson will teach children that obeying God is always the best!
This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we help others!
This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we show compassion to others.
In this lesson, the children will learn about the importance of honoring their word and obediently doing what they say they will do even when they do not feel like it.
In this lesson, the children will learn about Abraham and how God promises many blessings when you are obedient and trust in Him with all of your heart.
In this lesson, children learn how God provides for them in miraculous ways when they are obedient to His Word.
This lesson will teach children that God is ready to help us when we pray. Obeying Him leads to blessings while disobedience leads to consequences and sadness.
Our thoughts and actions need to show that Jesus is first in our lives.
This lesson will teach children that obeying God is always the best!
This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we tell others about Jesus.
This lesson will teach children that we need to think about what is right and what is wrong before we act.
Jesus is our best example, and we can follow Him!
This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we tell others about Jesus!
This Sunday school lesson will review the past four lessons on Noah and reinforce the importance of listening to God and being obedient to Him.
In this Sunday school lesson, the children learn about Noah and the ark he built according to God's instructions. The children also learn that it is very important to obey God in all things.
In this Sunday school lesson, children learn that we should all listen to God and obey Him. They will also learn that God has some very important jobs for each of us to do.
When we work hard, we will learn more about God!
In this lesson, the children learn how Jesus helps us love others and obey Him.
In this lesson, children discover that Samuel followed God all the days of his life, while Saul lost his job as king because he was disobedient.
From this lesson about Ruth and the kindness she received from Boaz, children learn the importance of listening and following directions given by God and parents.
In this lesson about Samson and Delilah, children learn that talents and strengths are gifts from God.
In this lesson, the children will learn that God gave us ten commandments, or rules, to live by. By following these rules, our lives will be pleasing to God.
In this lesson about the battle of Jericho, children learn that even their biggest problems crumble when they put their faith in God.
In this lesson, children learn about the courageous faith and obedience of three young men named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
In this lesson, the children learn that doing it all for Jesus means to love Him with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength. Also, that we must love others in the same way, because this is pleasing to Jesus.
In this lesson, the children will learn how to watch and listen for Jesus and follow Him in obedience every day of their lives.
Children learn that nothing should come between us and our love for God.
We need to build our lives on the solid foundation God provides.
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. (John 15:10)
A skit that teaches children it is important to obey God (Skit for two, Noah Puppet and person acting the part of God)
A puppet skit that teaches children what it means to honor God. (Skit for one puppet)
(Audio Available) A song about Daniel and his friends doing what was right. Sung to the tune of "Are You Sleeping," also known as “Frère Jacques.”
Children have fun singing about the different animals and sounds aboard Noah's Ark. Sung to "Old McDonald Had a Farm."
We need to obey right away, all the way and with a happy heart. Sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”
(Audio Available) Kids call out to Zaccheaus in the sycamore tree to come down and follow Jesus. (Luke 19:1-5)Sung to the tune of “Father Abraham.”
(Storybook Available) Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.
The story of Balaam and his talking donkey on the journey to Moab as found in Numbers 22:21-35.
A story that will capture the children's attention and hearts!
The story of Ruth when she decided to follow God by going with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth 1: 1-18.
The story about how Samuel serves God all the days of his life.
1 Samuel 3, 7, 8, 15, and 16 (Paraphrased)