Do We Match?
Children eagerly move around the room trying to find their matching animal.
TOPICS:Animals, Noah, Obedience MATERIALS:Masks from the craft "Noah Listens" Click here
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Use the masks from the craft "Noah Listens" to play this game. Either have the children make the craft before playing the game or make the masks before class.
ZSpread the children out around the room. Give each child a paper plate mask that contains a picture of an animal. Instruct them to take a good look at their picture but not to show it to any of the other children until the game begins. The children will then hold their mask facing their chests so the other kids cannot see their picture.
Tell the kids that the object of the game is to move quietly around the room to find the other child in the room that have the same picture that they do. As children approach each other they will quickly show each other their pictures and then put them back towards their chest. The first couple to find each other and sit down are the winners.