

Action packed Christian Games to support your Bible lessons and help teach kids the Word of God. More Information

Keep It Up!

Being an obedient child of God is an everyday thing. We need to keep it up!

Keeping Alert

Children see the difference between keeping alert while watching for the Lord and being unprepared for His return.

L Is For Love

Children will find the hidden letters to learn about God’s great love.

Let Go, Let God

The children will have fun letting their balloons go to see where they land while connecting the activity to how we need to know that God is in control and trust in where He is taking us.

Let's Celebrate God!

Children will have fun learning about different ways to celebrate God.

Like Mary Or Martha?

Two teams identify characteristics of Mary and Martha to win this game.

Listening Bingo

The children will practice listening first and acting second.

Lost And Found

Children scramble to find the lost sheep

Lost Sheep

A thrilling game of finding the lost sheep to remind the children how the Good Shepherd watches over His flock.

Love Chase

God so loved the world, He sent His only son. We can run, but can't escape God's love.

Love Is...

Children memorize Bible phrases regarding God’s love.