
Using Games

A classroom without games is like a day without sunshine. Children learn in many different ways and games provide an interactive way to reinforce your message. Also, games make great energy burners. It's always helpful to have one or two Bible games ready in the rare event that you run out of lesson before you run out of time. Game time also makes a great reward.

Game Index:

The Games Index is arranged alphabetically by title, with a brief description next to each idea. To view the actual content, simply click on the Title. To return to the index, use the "back" button on your browser. Each Game has several applications that can be found at the top of the page. Many games can easily be adjusted to meet the ages of the children. Use our handy Topical Indexes to find activities that go with a particular subject or lesson objective.

Game Pages:

Many games have printable game pages, such as game boards, cards, or stickers. When needed to play the game, you will find a link to these pages in the materials lists on the game page.


Printable game pages are in PDF form for easy and consistent printing. You can produce the number of copies needed using your printer or a copy machine. To view and print PDF files, you must have Adobe reader. To download the free program from the Adobe website, click here    

Playing Space:

Be sure to check first to see how much space you need to play each game. Do you need tables, a cleared area in the middle of the room, etc? Will the children be running or sitting down? Making sure you have the appropriate space will make playing the game much more enjoyable for both you and the children.

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