An activity to show children how God can use our friends to help in times of need and how we should have patience to let God answer our prayers.
Children have fun while learning the importance of listening for Jesus.
In this activity, children demonstrate that sometimes it pays to be last.
The children will learn a rhyme about Jonah.
The children will create puppets and then use them to retell the story of Jonah.
(Coloring Activity) Children race to finish their activity first while learning that sometimes being first is last and being last is first.
The children will have fun seeing how hard they have to work to build a structure after obstacles are introduced into the mix.
Children will be enticed to enter a tent filled with scrumptious candy, but encouraged to wait until the end of the class, because then it will be even better.
A coloring activity using safety tips for crossing the street to help children learn how to stop, look, and listen for Jesus.
Children practice street smarts as they learn what the Bible says about being patient and brave while waiting for the Lord.
The children will draw portraits of the people they love.
Children make a door hanger to help them remember to be waiting, watching, and ready for when the Lord returns.
The children will create a craft about God’s patience.
A coloring project that will show how Jesus is there to answer our prayers and provide for our needs.
A challenging game to see who can keep the quietest.
This lesson will help the children understand how they can pray boldly and ask God to provide for their needs and the needs of others. Children will also learn different ways they can treat others that will help show God's love.
In this lesson, children discover how God continued to bless Abraham by giving him a son. Children also will learn that God’s promises do not always come immediately. Sometimes we must be patient and wait to enjoy His blessings.
This lesson teaches children that true love is patient because God is patient.
This lesson will help children understand the importance of being ready while waiting for Jesus' return. They will also learn what it means to be patient.
The story of how God continued to use Joseph in good times and bad.
In this story, Nehemiah trusts that God will grant him success in restoring Jerusalem's wall and gates. Nehemiah puts his hope and faith in God’s protection and provision while persevering through obstacles.
(Storybook Available) Because of patience and prayer, a tiny mouse receives a wonderful blessing in this delightful story.