

The way one can be seen reacting to different situations

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22


Daniel Eats Vegetables

Children discover a simple but very effective way to make the right decisions.

Friends Rub Off

Children see how friends, whether good or bad, can easily rub off on us.

Give God Your Best

Children will color two pages, one sloppy, and the other as neat as possible, to learn how God desires the best from us.

Giving My Best

A fun activity to show how making the right choice is always the best.

Good Or Bad Decision?

The children will identify decisions that please and displease the Lord.

Mary Or Martha?

An activity where children pretend to be a worshipper, like Mary, or a worker, like Martha.


The children will learn about repentance and turning to God.

The Goodness Bag

The children participate in an activity that rewards them for showing God’s goodness to others.

Verse Crossing

Children practice street smarts as they learn what the Bible says about being patient and brave while waiting for the Lord.

What Comes First

Children discover that many things in life need to be completed in a logical order.

What Is Inside?

The children will enjoy a fun activity that teaches the importance of getting to know someone before passing judgment.


Jesus Fills Me Up

An interactive bulletin board to reward the children for attendance, answering questions, good behavior and much more.


Rahab And The Spies

This craft helps children remember why Rahab helped the Israelite spies.


Keep It Up!

Being an obedient child of God is an everyday thing. We need to keep it up!


A Meal Fit For A King

This lesson will introduce the children to a young man named Daniel. They will learn that from an early age, Daniel and three of his friends chose to live by God's standards, even if it meant standing up to the king.

An Obedient Child

This lesson will show how Jesus was obedient to His Father's Will, even unto death. If we want to be just like Jesus, we must also be obedient to the Will of God and behave according to His commands.

God Is Good

This Sunday school lesson will identify God as being good because He always takes care of us even when bad things happen.

Joseph, Son Of Jacob

In this lesson, the kids will learn how behavior affects their relationship with friends and family, especially if they live in a large family where jealousy may be present.

Judging Others

This lesson teaches children that we all need forgiveness and that we should not have a fault-finding attitude toward others.

Nehemiah's Response

In this lesson, the children will see how Nehemiah responds to God’s heart and plan. The children will discover that Nehemiah put the needs of his people over his own comfort.

Repent And Follow God

In this lesson, the children will learn that God wants His people to follow Him with pure hearts.

Shine For Jesus

In this lesson, the children learn to be an example to non-believers by thinking and living like Christ.

The Good Samaritan

In this lesson, children discover Jesus is there to give them comfort whenever they need Him. They will also learn that they should provide help to others whenever they can.

Tower Of Babel

In this Sunday school lesson from Genesis the children learn how important it is to live their lives according to God's rules and to be obedient to His commands.

With Our Actions

How we act should show others that we love Jesus. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their everyday actions, whether it be at home, school, church, or with family and friends.

With Our Lives

In this lesson, children learn how to put Jesus first in a more general way; with their lives. Putting Jesus first in everything is very pleasing to God.

With Our Thoughts

What we think about is a big part of who we are. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their thoughts. They also learn how bad thoughts lead us to do bad things, but good thoughts lead us to do good things.


Book Fair

This object talk will teach children not to judge a book by its cover while relating it to how we judge each other.

Known By Our Fruits

What would you rather eat, a rotten banana or one that is nice and ripe?

Shaky Foundation

We need to build our lives on the solid foundation God provides.


Classroom Rules

A few simple rules for the students to follow to keep order in the classroom.


Classroom Rules

A few simple rules for the students to follow to keep order in the classroom.


Little Rubber Ducky

A skit that teaches children how God wants us to share with others instead of being selfish and treat people how we want to be treated. (Skit for teacher and one puppet)


Daniel And His Friends

(Audio Available) A song about Daniel and his friends doing what was right. Sung to the tune of "Are You Sleeping," also known as “Frère Jacques.”

Put Jesus First

A song about how the lives of others are affected when we decide to put Jesus first in our own lives. Sung to “Oh Where oh Where has my Little Dog Gone?”

The Thinking Song

A song that asks the children if they are putting Jesus first with what they are thinking. Sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping?”


A Friend For Beetle

(Storybook Available) Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.

Jesus Is Anointed

Mary shows how much she loves Jesus by doing something wonderful and unexpected.

Joseph And His Colorful Robe

This is a story about Jacob’s son Joseph, whose life was as colorful as his robe.