A simple activity that will help children acknowledge how blessed they truly are.
Children enjoy coloring their favorite foods as they learn that all good things come from God.
An activity to help the children understand that God provides for everyone in different ways.
The children will enjoy creating footprints to understand that goodness and mercy follow believers all the days of their lives.
As children obey instructions, they get to help create a color coat, like the one which was given to Joseph.
Children will be enticed to enter a tent filled with scrumptious candy, but encouraged to wait until the end of the class, because then it will be even better.
"Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That is how many descendants you will have." Genesis 15:5 NLT
This visual activity helps children identify their feelings as they say and hear the words "thank you."
A fun activity that helps remind children of the many things for which they should be grateful.
Children have fun thinking of cool ways to thank Jesus for their many blessings.
Children will have fun finding turkeys and thanking God for His many blessings.
An activity to show the children how God provides in many different ways.
The story of Ruth is about a young widow who found a basketful of joy because she decided to follow the Lord. God has many baskets full of joy for all who follow His Son Jesus Christ.
With this colorful bulletin board, children take time to stop and consider God's many wonders, as suggested in Job 37:14
A very colorful bulletin board to show thanksgiving to God for all the great things He provides.
Living for Jesus means we will have a life full of blessings. These blessings will help us grow, and be happy, like flowers during a spring rain.
Abraham (Abram) tries to count the stars, because God promised that he would be blessed with as many children as there were stars in the sky. (Genesis 15:5)
Children learn that they can celebrate Thanksgiving every day of the year.
This coloring page helps the children to visualize the disciples as they receive the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
(Connect-the-dots) Children must first connect the dots before they can tell which twin is Jacob and which is Esau in this coloring activity.
Jesus healed ten men with leprosy; however, only one came back to thank Jesus. Children color ten healed men and find which one appears to be thankful.
Children learn that they don't have to be a king, like Solomon, to be blessed by God.
The children will enjoy making a craft to remind them that when they give to the poor they will lack nothing.
Children will make their own bottle of “perfume” and give their best to Jesus.
A handy reminder for the kids that they have so many things to thank Jesus for during dinner time.
Children create a Bible scene showing how Jesus miraculously helped His disciples catch many fish. (John 21:1-14)
Children will be tickled to know they are included in Abraham’s count.
Children try to guess what another child wants to be when he or she grows up.
In this lesson about Hannah and the birth of Samuel, the children will learn about the power of sincere prayer.
From this lesson, children discover that wisdom and blessings come from the Lord. They will also learn to appreciate the many blessings they already have.
This Sunday school lesson will help children learn how important it is to give thanks to whom it is owed: God, the Father.
This lesson teaches children that God cares for all the creatures He has created, but He cares for us most of all and gives us many blessings.
In this lesson, the children will learn about Abraham and how God promises many blessings when you are obedient and trust in Him with all of your heart.
This lesson will help children understand that friends are wonderful gifts from God and how they should always act friendly towards other children.
This lesson will help children understand that the Bible is a precious gift from God. The Bible teaches us how to live a life that will please God.
This lesson teaches children that God will provide and bless those that believe and follow Him.
This lesson teaches that Jesus is preparing a place for us in Heaven. He will return one glorious day and we will be with Him in Heaven.
God's promise is mentioned again to Jacob, confirming that the covenant God made to Abraham will stretch for many generations up to the present. In this lesson, children learn that God always keeps His promises and so should we.
This lesson will help the children know how to be thankful for all the blessings God gives. They will also learn how important it is to say the words "thank you" to others.
This lesson will show the children how God will provide even during the toughest of times. He provided bread and meat for the Israelites while wandering in the wilderness.
This Sunday school lesson will help the children understand how they can show thanks for all that God has provided.
In this lesson, the children will see how God uses Nehemiah to care for both the poor and the Israelites.
In this lesson, children see how Ruth received new life when Boaz redeemed her. They will also learn that Jesus is our redeemer. He paid the price for our sins, so we can be part of God's family.
This lesson will help the children discover that Jesus is very pleased when they are willing to share their blessings with others who are in need.
In this lesson, children discover how God continued to bless Abraham by giving him a son. Children also will learn that God’s promises do not always come immediately. Sometimes we must be patient and wait to enjoy His blessings.
The children show their thankfulness as they realize how our loving Father gives us all that we need.
God loves puppy dogs and baby bunnies, but He loves us even more!
Just as our parents prepared a room for us in their house, Jesus is preparing a place for us in Heaven.
During this discussion, the children will find that God cares about every person, and they should too.
(Storybook Available) Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.
(Storybook Available) A small elephant becomes too big for his friends.
A story about the special events in Abraham's life leading to the birth of his son Isaac (A re-telling of Gen 12:2; 15:4-6; 17:1-8; 18:10-14; 21:1-7)
The story of how God continued to use Joseph in good times and bad.
A story to capture the children's attention while introducing them to the Queen of Sheba! (Based on 1 Kings 10)
Hannah prayed for a child for many years. When the time was right, God answered her prayer.
(Storybook Available) Because of patience and prayer, a tiny mouse receives a wonderful blessing in this delightful story.