A counting and coloring activity that helps children learn their left from their right, while learning that God cares for the creatures He has created.
Children discover that God created each kind of animal and gave them all a special place to live
Children help Noah pair up the animals with this fun activity.
God protects Noah and the animals aboard the ark as the rain falls and the waters flood the earth. Great for preschool.
Balaam tries to persuade his donkey to keep moving, not realizing an angel blocks the path.
Daniel is found innocent before the Lord and survives the den of lions. (Daniel 6:22)
Coloring page of Elijah showing how God Provides food for those who fear Him. Psalm 111:5
Children rejoice as Jesus rides by on His donkey.
A coloring page showing the animals coming two by two aboard the ark built by Noah. (Genesis 7)
Although the jungle has many powerful creatures, Jesus is the king and master of all.
Lions become tasty treats for the kids as they remember how God protected Daniel in the lions' den.
Kids have fun building their own little ark with some happy animals.
Kids make masks of Noah and the animals which can be used in games, skits, and songs.
A craft based on the parable of the lost sheep.
Children eagerly move around the room trying to find their matching animal.
A fun game of catch to show how God can provide in miraculous ways.
A fun game that can be used to tell the story of Noah's ark.
Can the good shepherd catch the wolf in time to save the sheep?
A fun Thanksgiving game for young children that involves patience and teamwork.
This Sunday school lesson teaches the children how God gave Adam some big and important jobs to do. He was to take care of the beautiful garden and give names to all of the animals that God created.
This lesson will help younger children understand that although they may not see God, He is always there to guide them along the way.
This lesson teaches children that God cares for all the creatures He has created, but He cares for us most of all and gives us many blessings.
In this Sunday school lesson, the children learn about Noah and the ark he built according to God's instructions. The children also learn that it is very important to obey God in all things.
In this Sunday school lesson, children learn that we should all listen to God and obey Him. They will also learn that God has some very important jobs for each of us to do.
A puppet skit that introduces the children to Adam. (Skit for one puppet.)
(Audio Available) A heartwarming song about a little dove sent from the ark after the flood to find a place to call home. Sung to the tune “Mary Had a Little Lamb."
(Audio Available) The Good Shepherd looks for his lost little sheep, a song the kids can also color. Sung to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”
(Audio Available) Kids celebrate the day Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a little donkey. Sung to the tune, “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus.”
Kids count up to ten while remembering how God provided for the prophet Elijah. Sung to the tune of “The Ants Go Marching.”
A story about how a young boy's little donkey that went from ordinary to extraordinary because of our Lord Jesus.
The story of Balaam and his talking donkey on the journey to Moab as found in Numbers 22:21-35.
(Storybook Available) A small elephant becomes too big for his friends.
A story about an unselfish lamb who was rewarded by being part of a very important celebration.
A story that will capture the children's attention and hearts!
(Storybook Available) Because of patience and prayer, a tiny mouse receives a wonderful blessing in this delightful story.
(Storybook Available) A fictional story near the time of creation about a small fox who had big faith in God.