Children come aboard the boat to show how much Jesus cares about them.
Children discover there are many important things, but nothing is more
important than Jesus.
The children will enjoy a cut and paste activity to remind them that despite difficult times, they can stand firm and believe the impossible.
Kids pretend to walk on water by stepping on some friendly creatures.
Jesus performed many miracles to help us believe He is the Christ, the Son of God. This colorful bulletin board helps the children remember seven special miracles.
All aboard the Salvation Railroad! A quick reminder of the different steps every child should understand before being baptized. You can easily create this bulletin board using basic shapes.
David battles the giant Goliath.
God's angel protects Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace. (Daniel 3:25-28)
The centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant.
Only one of the ten lepers returns to thank Jesus.
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Jesus performs His first miracle by turning water into wine!
This coloring page helps the children to visualize the disciples as they receive the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
Children create a crown they would like to give God as a symbol of being their King.
This craft helps children remember Jesus' first miracle, when He turned water into wine.
Servants race to fill the water jars for Jesus.
This lesson will help the children understand that God is our King. He made us special and He provides for us. Therefore, we should enjoy what we have and never be jealous of others.
In this lesson, the children will learn how Gideon defeated a huge army with only 300 men. Although he was far outnumbered, Gideon knew that with God, all things are possible.
This lesson will help the children understand that Jesus is Lord of all and that He is the Lord of their lives too.
In today's lesson, children learn about the first miracle performed by Jesus. They also learn that the reason Jesus performed miracles was to help people understand that He is the Son of God.
In this lesson, the children learn that when they believe in Jesus, they can be born again of the Spirit and have eternal life with Him in Heaven.
This lesson shows the power Jesus has over life and death, which is miraculously illustrated when He raises Lazarus from the dead.
In this lesson, Paul is under arrest and must sail to Rome to stand trial before Caesar. The dangerous journey gives Paul another opportunity to put his faith in God. Children learn that God is trustworthy and always cares about them.
This lesson helps children realize that it is important to learn more about God so they can trust Him to know what is best for their lives and to follow His commands.
In this lesson about the battle of Jericho, children learn that even their biggest problems crumble when they put their faith in God.
When we place our faith in God, even the biggest problems crumble.
Just as it takes the right environment to grow a beautiful flower, it also takes the right environment for us to grow spiritually.
Children sing and show their excitement about believing in Jesus and being born again. Can be sung to "Hail, Hail the Gang's all Here" or a made-up chant.
(Audio Available) A song about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Sung to the tune of “Ten Little Indians.”
God asks us to trust Him because He cares for us. In this story, the Apostle Paul shows how he believes God during a dangerous voyage. (Acts 27)
A story on the death and resurrection of Lazarus. (John 11:1-44 Paraphrased)
(Storybook Available) A fictional story near the time of creation about a small fox who had big faith in God.