
Knowing God

The desire to gain a full awareness and understanding of God (See also Character of God)

"Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit." Psalm 147:5


Evidence Of The Invisible

An activity to help children understand the invisible world around them.

Eyes Of The Lord

A coloring and drawing activity to reveal how good it is to have the eyes of the Lord watching over us all the time.

Fairness Treasures

This activity helps children learn that God is fair when He gives us treasures.

God's Sticky Mercy

This activity will stick in the children’s memories as they participate in an activity about God’s mercy.

Good Fruit, Yucky Fruit

The children will learn that we produce good things when we obey God.

Honor Balloons

This activity will help children identify different ways to honor God.

I Will Honor God

The children will participate in an activity to help them identify ways to honor God.

Love And Justice

Children pretend to look through God's eyes and choose between love and justice.

Most Important

Children discover there are many important things, but nothing is more important than Jesus.

Paying For Sin

The children will participate in an activity to teach them that only Jesus can pay for sin.

The Goodness Bag

The children participate in an activity that rewards them for showing God’s goodness to others.

The Unmerciful Servant

The children will act out a story to remind them to be merciful.

What Do I Need?

This activity helps children understand that God is fair when He supplies our needs.

What Is Jesus Doing?

By identifying some of the things Jesus is doing, the kids learn more about their Heavenly Father


God Created Everything

A coloring page to help children understand that one reason we worship God is because He created everything.


Fold To Believe

This craft will help the children understand that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are One God.

God Is Fair

The children will create a card to help them remember that God is always fair.

God Is Holy

The children will create a craft to remind them that God is holy.

God Is Rich In Mercy

The children will create a craft to remind them of God's mercy.

God's Goodness Is The Best

The children will create a craft to remind them that God’s goodness is the best.

I Am Thankful

The children will create a book to remind them to be thankful to God instead of envious of others.

Looking Through God's Eyes

Kids have fun constructing their own pair of colorful binoculars to remind them that God is a God of love and justice.

We Are One

A craft activity to teach children that Jesus and God are one.


All Our Love

The children will play a memory game as a reminder that God deserves all our love, for He is jealous when we love other things more than Him.

Always Follow God

Children scramble to show how quickly they can follow God.

Beanbag Fairness

In this game, children have fun earning points as they learn about fairness.

Noah Says

In this version of “Simon Says,” dogs bark and beg, cats meow and lick their paws, and ducks quack and waddle


God Gives Us Jesus

This lesson will help children realize that Jesus is God's most precious gift. Jesus came to earth to be with us, teach us, save us, and give us a way to know God in a personal way.

God Is Fair

This Sunday school lesson will teach children that God is always fair because He can do no wrong.

God Is Good

This Sunday school lesson will identify God as being good because He always takes care of us even when bad things happen.

God Is Holy

This Sunday school lesson will identify God as being perfect and holy as well as explain to children that God’s holiness provided Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins.

God Is Honored

This Sunday school lesson will teach children why God deserves respect and honor.

God Is Jealous

This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that our jealousy is bad, but God’s jealousy is good because He is the only one we should worship.

God Is Loving

This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that God loves us, and His love is greater than any other love.

God Is Merciful

This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that God is merciful and forgiving.

Jesus Is God

This lesson will help the children understand that Jesus is God. The children will also learn that while Jesus is God, He became flesh.


We serve one God, worship one God, and fight for one God. We belong to an army of One. This three lesson series helps children gain a better knowledge of the one true God.

The Religious Leaders

In this lesson, the children will learn about the Religious Leaders who were too busy to notice that Jesus had been born. We will talk about the difference between having a head full of knowledge and a heart full of knowledge during the Christmas season.


Egg Parts

An activity to teach children that God is made of three parts called the Trinity.


God's Beautiful Rainbow

(Audio Available) A rainbow is seeing God's beauty in the sky. Sung to the tune, “Twinkle-twinkle Little Star.”

Joyful, Happy, And Thankful

(Audio Available) A song to roll with laughter while learning about the three persons of God. Sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”

We Can Always Honor God

Children are encouraged to honor God in everything they do. Sung to “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”