This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that our jealousy is bad, but God’s jealousy is good because He is the only one we should worship.
by Leah Pittsinger
Character of God, Emotions, Honor God, Jealousy, Knowing God, Love
AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)
Jealous or Thankful? (Activity) Click here
WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes)
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BIBLE VERSE (12 minutes)
"Do not worship any other [thing], for the Lord, whose name is Jealousy, is a jealous God." Exodus 34:14 NIV
Help the children understand that even though our jealousy is bad, God’s jealousy is good because He is the only one deserving of our best love, attention, and worship. Tell the children that because God is so good, cares for us, and loves us, He is right to be jealous when we love other things more than Him.
BIBLE STORY (15 minutes)
Gather the children around you in preparation for story time. If possible, use a children's Bible, so it will be easier for the kids to understand.
Moses was the leader of the Hebrew people, but the people always made bad decisions. They chose to love things (idols) more than they loved God and disobeyed His rules. We do the same thing! God created us and gives us everything we need (including salvation), so He is right to ask for our full love.
Read Deuteronomy 10:14-15, 20-21 (God chose us and deserves our best love.)
Discussion Questions:
1. What belongs to God? (Everything.)
2. What has God done for us? (Chosen us and given us great things.)
3. How would it feel not to be chosen for a game? (Sad, angry, upset, etc.)
4. How must God feel when we chose other things over Him? (Sad, jealous, etc.)
Read Romans 6:23 (God gave us eternal life through Jesus.)
Discussion Questions:
1. What are sins? (The bad things we do.)
2. Who paid for our sins? (Jesus, by dying on the cross.)
Because God has chosen us, given us great things, and provided salvation through Jesus Christ, He is jealous when we love other things more than we love Him. We can be thankful and ask God to help us love Him more than anything else.
FUN TIME (10 minutes)
All Our Love (Game) Click here
I Am Thankful (Craft) Click here
PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes)
Further info? Click here
Start by praying to God and thanking Him for His love, as shown through His provision and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Then serve the children fruit cups and small cups of water. During the snack, talk with the children about a time when you loved something more than God, and how He used His word to correct and forgive you. Explain that as we learn more about God our love for Him will grow!
CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes)
As children wait for their parents to arrive, review today's lesson by asking the following questions:
1. Who should we love more than God? (No one.)
2. What should we love more than God? (Nothing.)
3. Why is God’s jealousy justified? (Because He made us and deserves all our love.)
4. Why is our jealousy bad? (Because being jealous means we aren’t thankful for what God has given us.)
5. What can we do when we feel jealous? (Pray, be thankful, etc)
Reiterate to the children that knowing God is jealous for our love should help us make right decisions. Because God created us and provided salvation through Jesus Christ, it is right for Him to expect all our love. Also add that receiving salvation is a personal choice that must be made before death. Encourage the children to speak to you, a parent, or another Christian adult if they have any questions about believing in Jesus.
Come back next week to learn that God should be honored.
Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here