God is Rich in Mercy
The children will create a craft to remind them of God's mercy.
by Leah Pittsinger
TOPICS:Knowing God, Mercy MATERIALS:Activity page [PDF] Click here DURATION:Approximately 15 minutes |
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Before class print out an activity page for each child in class.
Apply glitter paint to each child’s hands and have students place their painted hands on the paper to create hand prints. Tell each child that God is rich in mercy to us, so we should also give second chances to people who hurt our feelings. Explain that God is merciful, and encourage the class to discuss their artwork with others as it relates to God’s mercy.
Timesaving Option: Outline each child’s hand with a marker and allow the children to use jeweled stickers or crayons instead of glitter paint to decorate their craft.
Increased-Difficulty Option: Allow the children to continue decorating their craft with crayons and jeweled stickers.