
Word of God

God's spoken and written Word, the Bible; Holy Scripture (See also Bible)

"For the word of the LORD is right and true." Pslam 33:4a


Calm, Peaceful Environment

The children will learn how to create a calm, peaceful environment to rest in the Lord.

Following God's Instructions

Children learn the importance of following God's instructions.

Giants In The Land

An "I Spy" activity based on Israel's search for the "Promised Land"

God's Word

A fun writing activity that teaches children about the Bible.

Picture Perfect Verses

An interactive activity that helps children memorize simple Bible verses.

What Do You Hear?

Children playfully come to understand that God speaks to us in a still, quiet voice.


A Lamp For My Feet

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105)

Five Steps To Knowing God's Word

Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.


Shield Yourself

Children make a shield of protection to prepare for spiritual battle.


The Lord Calls Samuel

In this lesson, children learn that God speaks to us today in many different ways. He speaks to us through the Bible, through other people—such as preachers and teachers, and through the wonderful world that He created.


Best When Open

A Bible is a wonderful book, filled with great stories and spiritual truths, but first we need to open it.


A Lamp For My Feet

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105)

Five Steps To Knowing God's Word

Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.


Jesus Is Tempted

A skit that teaches children that knowing God's Word will help them resist temptation.