
Valentine's Day

Fun Valentine's Day ideas for Sunday School children and children's ministry.


Hearts Of Love Hunt

An Activity and a Craft where children search for missing hearts that once found make a special gift of love.

Showing Love Or Not?

Kids quickly decide if what you say is showing love and kindness or not.


God's Special People

An exciting way for the children in your class to see who is special to God.


A Special Card From God

Children will be curious about what the message might be if God sent them a Valentine's card.

Cup Of Life

The children will learn about how much Jesus loves them while they make a cup full of tasty treats to take home.

Jesus Loves Me This Much

A simple craft to help children remember how much Jesus loves them.

My Loving Heart

Children create a heart pendant to remind them to show love and kindness to others as Jesus shows them love and kindness.

What's In Your Heart?

Children fill their hearts with words to describe how they will treat others when they put Jesus first in their own lives.


Love Is...

Children memorize Bible phrases regarding God’s love.


A Loving Heart

This lesson will help the children learn how to share from their heart in a loving way. A great lesson for Valentine's Day.

Jesus Is Love

This lesson will demonstrate the love and kindness of Jesus. The children will also learn how important it is to show that same kind of love and kindness towards others.