The children will learn to look for ways to be kind.
Do you ever wonder what is inside your friends’ heads? Jesus wants us to put Him first in our thoughts.
While completing this activity children will learn about Boaz’s kindness to Ruth and Naomi.
An activity for preschoolers to identify items that can be used to help people get well.
Kids quickly decide if what you say is showing love and kindness or not.
Children learn they can choose what they say to others, but their words can be kind or unkind.
Children take turns showing some of the ways they can show kindness and care for others.
Jesus wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
The children will create a special card to honor their mothers, grandmothers, or other female role model in their lives.
The children will enjoy making a craft to remind them that when they give to the poor they will lack nothing.
A lesson about love from the midwives of Exodus 1:15-22.
Children create a heart pendant to remind them to show love and kindness to others as Jesus shows them love and kindness.
Children will have fun gathering goodies and Care Cards for their moms, just as Ruth gathered food for herself and Naomi.
This craft helps children remember why Rahab helped the Israelite spies.
Children design their own basket to collect grain like Ruth did in the field belonging to Boaz.
The children will enjoy a card game while learning how to become new in Christ.
The children will race to gather wheat pieces and learn about gleaning.
Children pretend to pick up grain like Ruth to learn how good it is to work for the Lord.
Children learn the nine characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit while playing a fun, interactive game.
A game where teams use a little skill and a mat to get the job done.
This lesson will help the children learn how to share from their heart in a loving way. A great lesson for Valentine's Day.
This lesson series will help children realize that they can bring glory to God by walking in the Spirit and bearing good fruit in their lives.
This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that God loves us, and His love is greater than any other love.
In this lesson, the children will learn that they can be like Jesus when they help and serve others.
This lesson will help the children understand that they should grow both physically and spiritually so they can help and serve others in need.
This lesson will demonstrate the love and kindness of Jesus. The children will also learn how important it is to show that same kind of love and kindness towards others.
This Sunday school lesson will help the children understand that Jesus can comfort and heal them during those times when they are not feeling well.
In this lesson, children learn the importance of forgiving others. When we forgive others, we make more room in our hearts for the love of Jesus.
In this lesson, the kids will learn how behavior affects their relationship with friends and family, especially if they live in a large family where jealousy may be present.
This lesson will help the children know how much God loves them and how they can show love to others through the example given by Jesus.
In this lesson, the children will see how God uses Nehemiah to care for both the poor and the Israelites.
In this lesson, children see how Ruth received new life when Boaz redeemed her. They will also learn that Jesus is our redeemer. He paid the price for our sins, so we can be part of God's family.
From this lesson about Ruth and the kindness she received from Boaz, children learn the importance of listening and following directions given by God and parents.
In this lesson, children discover how God shows kindness and provides for them in many ways. They will also learn that working to please God is better than working only to please people.
In this lesson, children discover Jesus is there to give them comfort whenever they need Him. They will also learn that they should provide help to others whenever they can.
This lesson will help the children discover that Jesus is our good shepherd. He protects and cares for us.
This lesson teaches children that true love is kind because God is kind.
In this lesson, children learn how God wants us to control what comes out of our mouths so we can use our words for good and not hurt others. Our words need to reflect the love of Jesus.
During this discussion, the children will find that God cares about every person, and they should too.
A skit that teaches children how God wants us to share with others instead of being selfish and treat people how we want to be treated. (Skit for teacher and one puppet)
A skit that teaches the importance of giving yourself to others to show Jesus' love. (Skit for two puppets)
(Audio Available) A song about how we can please God by being careful with what we say. Sung to the tune,“Oh Be Careful Little Eyes.”
This is a story about Jacob’s son Joseph, whose life was as colorful as his robe.
(Storybook Available) A young girl learns to be careful with what she says, so her friends won't be hurt by her words.
A retelling of the story of the Good Samaritan.