

Unhappiness because of what someone else has. Wanting what isn't yours (See also envy)

"Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?" Proverbs 27:4


Jealous Or Thankful?

This activity helps children understand that our jealousy is wrong but thankfulness is right.

Practice Makes Perfect

This activity will help children recognize the feeling of jealousy, and learn how to be thankful for the good fortune of others.


All Our Love

The children will play a memory game as a reminder that God deserves all our love, for He is jealous when we love other things more than Him.


A King On Demand

This lesson will help the children understand that God is our King. He made us special and He provides for us. Therefore, we should enjoy what we have and never be jealous of others.

A King's Jealousy

This lesson about King Saul's jealousy of David, teaches the children that jealousy is a sin. The children also learn that God calls us to love and pray for everyone, even our enemies.

God Is Jealous

This Sunday school lesson will help children understand that our jealousy is bad, but God’s jealousy is good because He is the only one we should worship.

Joseph, Son Of Jacob

In this lesson, the kids will learn how behavior affects their relationship with friends and family, especially if they live in a large family where jealousy may be present.


If The Shoe Fits

Children will learn that having self-worth is better than being jealous.


Joseph And His Colorful Robe

This is a story about Jacob’s son Joseph, whose life was as colorful as his robe.