

The ability to apply spiritual knowledge and experience in different situations (See also discernment, knowledge)

"For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." Proverbs 8:11


Choose The Wise One

We honor God by making wise choices.

Eyes Of The Heart

Let the eyes of the children's hearts be enlightened as they solve this puzzle. Ephesians 1:18

Hard Questions

Children learn that wisdom comes from the Lord and that we all have pieces of wisdom.

Keys To Godly Wisdom

Many things are valuable, but nothing we desire is more valuable than godly wisdom.

One Block At A Time

Children discover which types of activities help them build a solid foundation on Jesus Christ

What Is Broken?

The children will learn that many times broken things can be repaired when we ask God for help and wisdom.


Five Steps To Knowing God's Word

Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.


Solomon And The Queen Of Sheba

The queen of Sheba comes to visit Solomon and learn of his great wisdom. (1 Kings 10)


Jesus Is The Rock

Children make a simple craft to remind them that Jesus is the rock of our salvation.


Collecting Wisdom

Children are introduced to the keys for obtaining wisdom through interactive play.

Three Wise Builders

Children will play a game to remind them to be wise builders and build their lives around Jesus.


A Mother's Obedience

In this lesson, the children will learn about a mother’s obedience, faith and belief in God. When she shared what little provision she had, she was given more than she could ever expect in return.


A four lesson series about the life of King Solomon, known for his great wisdom. Children learn that our Lord gives us many talents and blessings, but we must always use them in ways that honor God.

The Wise And Foolish Builders

This lesson will teach the children the importance of having Jesus and the Bible as their foundation in all that they do. The children will also learn what happens to lives not built on the rock of Jesus when storms come.

Wise Men Worship

In this lesson, the children will learn about the importance of seeking Jesus and praising Him for coming to earth to save us!


Five Steps To Knowing God's Word

Children can use this bookmark to save their place in their Bibles. It becomes a great reminder of the five steps to making God's Word a meaningful part of life.


Ways We Honor God

A puppet skit that teaches children what it means to honor God. (Skit for one puppet)


Queen Of Sheba's Visit

A story to capture the children's attention while introducing them to the Queen of Sheba! (Based on 1 Kings 10)

The Wife Of Noble Character

A godly woman is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10-31(Paraphrased)