

Eternal place where God lives and where His people will go when they die (See also Kingdom of God)

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9


Being In Heaven

In this activity, children choose some of the things they would like to be able to do in Heaven.

Ladder Of Angels

A fun way for children to pretend they are angels going up and down a ladder just like in Jacob’s dream. (Genesis 28:12)

Patience, Please

Children will be enticed to enter a tent filled with scrumptious candy, but encouraged to wait until the end of the class, because then it will be even better.

Seeing The Kingdom Of God

Children discover how only those who are born again will see the Kingdom of God.

Visitor's Badge

The children will have fun making a visitor’s badge, which reminds them that their permanent home is in Heaven.

Where Did Jesus Go?

In this fun activity, children will get an idea about where Jesus went after He died on the cross, and what He is preparing for those who believe in Him.

Win The Prize

The children will learn that the believer’s prize is eternity in Heaven.


Jesus Is...

This bulletin board will help children remember five important things that Jesus is.

Now Boarding

Don't wait until it is too late! A bulletin board to help children understand the urgency of receiving God's gift of Salvation.


Crown Of Jewels

Children create their own beautiful crown of jewels to show how special they are in God's Kingdom.

Preparing Rooms

Children make a special room marker to help them remember that Jesus is preparing a special room for them in Heaven.

The Way To The Father

A pop-up craft to show how Jesus is the only way to the Father and to eternal life in Heaven.

Welcoming Door

Children create a colorful folding card to help demonstrate what happens when we welcome children and Jesus into our lives.


Anointed For God

This lesson, about David accepting God's offer to become king of Israel, will help the children realize that they must also accept God’s Gift of Heaven and everlasting life in His Kingdom.

Citizens Of Heaven

In this lesson, the children learn that they will become citizens of Heaven. They will learn to appreciate what God has given them and cling to Christ.

Heavenly Homes

This lesson teaches that Jesus is preparing a place for us in Heaven. He will return one glorious day and we will be with Him in Heaven.

Jesus Is The Way

This lesson will help the children understand that Jesus is the only way to our Father in Heaven. It is through Jesus alone that we can have Salvation and Eternal Life.

Where Did Jesus Go?

In this lesson, children learn that Jesus did not die in the tomb, but was raised to life. He went to prepare a place for us so someday we can be with Him in Heaven.


Empty Suitcase

A suitcase comes in handy when going on a trip, but we don't need one when we go to Heaven.


A Very Rich Young Man

A retelling of the story about a rich young man who wanted to follow Jesus. (Matthew 19: 13-22)