

As an offering or sacrifice; spiritual gift of giving (See also tithing, sharing)

"But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:3-4


Draw The Penny

Children will have fun learning about the percentage of tithing to God.

Draw Your Expression

Children will have fun recognizing their facial expressions as both givers and receivers.

Exploring The Gifts Of The Wise Men

In this activity, children will use their senses to explore similar gifts to those that the wise men gave Jesus, and they will learn how valuable these gifts were.

Extend Your Hand

The children will enjoy reflecting and drawing things that they have enjoyed giving to others.

Gifts From The Heart

This activity will teach children that God does not care if our gift is large or small, but rather He looks at the heart from which the gift was given.

Give God Your Best

Children will color two pages, one sloppy, and the other as neat as possible, to learn how God desires the best from us.

Giving And Receiving

The children will enjoy an activity that will demonstrate how to give and receive.

Giving Stickers

The children will enjoy receiving a sticker to enlighten them of their feelings and expressions when giving and receiving.

Heart Of The Matter

The children will understand that there are many benefits when giving with a cheerful heart.

Move On Down The Line

Children will practice giving without expectations of receiving something in return.

Share What You Have

Children share what they have to complete a project for the greater good.

Ways We Care

Children take turns showing some of the ways they can show kindness and care for others.

Where Will You Place Your Coin?

Children will learn that God gives them ideas of where and how to give.

Zacchaeus Meets Jesus

Children put pictures of Zaccheus in the correct order according to the story found in Luke 19:1-10.


Perfect Gifts

All Spiritual Gifts are given to us from God, for the building up of the Church. This bulletin board shows how each gift is precious.


Be A Cheerful Giver!

Children use real coins to complete this coloring activity of the poor widow who cheerfully gave everything she had to the Lord.

Mary Anoints Jesus

Coloring Page of Mary anointing Jesus with a jar of expensive perfume. (John 12:3)


Give To The Poor

The children will enjoy making a craft to remind them that when they give to the poor they will lack nothing.

Giving My Best To Jesus

Children will make their own bottle of “perfume” and give their best to Jesus.

Helping Hands

A great craft to teach children that they are never too young to help.

Made With Love

Children will enjoy making a card for someone special, while learning that God doesn’t look at the size of the gift but rather the heart of the giver.

My Gift To Jesus

A colorful Christmas craft to show how children can give special gifts to Jesus.

Perfume For Jesus

This sweet smelling craft helps children understand how to give it all for Jesus.

Ruth's Basket

Children design their own basket to collect grain like Ruth did in the field belonging to Boaz.

Say Cheese!

Children enjoy creating a camera that helps them understand what it means to be a cheerful giver.


A Cheerful Giver

This lesson teaches children that God cares more about the heart of the giver than the gift itself.

A Loving Heart

This lesson will help the children learn how to share from their heart in a loving way. A great lesson for Valentine's Day.

Abel Pleases God

This Sunday school lesson teaches that we are children of God and that He is pleased when we give to Him in the right way.

Cheerful Giving

In this lesson, the children learn that giving it all for Jesus means having the right kind of attitude when it comes to money and time. We should give cheerfully because we know that everything belongs to God.

Give With A Grateful Heart

Children will learn the meaning, purpose, and benefits behind tithing and offering.

Loving Others

This lesson will help the children know how much God loves them and how they can show love to others through the example given by Jesus.

My Gift Matters

This lesson illustrates how every gift given to God, no matter how large or small, is very important in building up God's Kingdom.

Poured Out For Jesus

In this lesson, children will learn that doing it all for Jesus means to give Him our very best in whatever we do and whatever we have. Jesus is pleased when we give our whole life to Him.

Restoration To The Poor

In this lesson, the children will see how God uses Nehemiah to care for both the poor and the Israelites.

Ruth Works For God

In this lesson, children discover how God shows kindness and provides for them in many ways. They will also learn that working to please God is better than working only to please people.

Sharing Your Blessings

This lesson will help the children discover that Jesus is very pleased when they are willing to share their blessings with others who are in need.

With Our Actions

How we act should show others that we love Jesus. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their everyday actions, whether it be at home, school, church, or with family and friends.


Heavenly Piggy Bank

Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.


Mrs. Smith's Ladder

A skit that teaches the importance of giving yourself to others to show Jesus' love. (Skit for two puppets)


All For Jesus

(Audio Available) A song about showing love for Jesus by giving all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. (Mark 12:30) Sung to “I Surrender All.”

Share With God's People

An easy to learn chant about sharing with others and practicing hospitality, taken from Romans 12:13.


A Friend For Beetle

(Storybook Available) Giving back to God in faith and obedience can have some great rewards.

A Very Rich Young Man

A retelling of the story about a rich young man who wanted to follow Jesus. (Matthew 19: 13-22)