

Paying attention to what is being said, hearing and obeying God's voice (See also paying attention)

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." John 10:27 NIV


Don't Forget To Listen

Children have fun while learning the importance of listening for Jesus.

Following God's Instructions

Children learn the importance of following God's instructions.

Go To The Jordan River

A singing, jumping, lively journey to the Jordan River to find John the Baptist.

God Knows Best

This puzzle teaches an important truth and helps children improve their fine motor skills.

God Speaks In Many Ways

Children discover some of the many ways God speaks to those who follow Him.

Guess What You Hear?

Children guess which sounds are made by different items, and learn that Jesus knows exactly who we are when we pray.

Mary Or Martha?

An activity where children pretend to be a worshipper, like Mary, or a worker, like Martha.

Obey Your Mother

This activity helps children understand that God wants us to remember our parents' teachings.

Robot Walk

Although we may not hear His actual voice, God will guide us by touching our hearts.

Stop, Look, And Listen

A coloring activity using safety tips for crossing the street to help children learn how to stop, look, and listen for Jesus.

What Do You Hear?

Children playfully come to understand that God speaks to us in a still, quiet voice.

Who Is My Master?

Children will have fun connecting the similarities between a pet hearing its owner’s voice and sheep knowing their shepherd’s voice.

Who's A Big Kid Now?

In this activity, the children learn how important it is to follow exactly the orders given by adults.


The Lord Calls Samuel

The Lord calls Samuel at a young age to begin his ministry as a prophet.


Balaam's Donkey

Children create donkey ears headbands to reenact the story of Balaam and his donkey.

Knock Knock

Children create a working craft to help them understand that they need to open their hearts to Jesus.

Noah Listens

Kids make masks of Noah and the animals which can be used in games, skits, and songs.

Promised Land Trail Mix

It is important to follow the leader's instructions, especially if the instructions come from God.

Throw Out Your Nets

Children create a Bible scene showing how Jesus miraculously helped His disciples catch many fish. (John 21:1-14)


Dressed And Ready

Children quickly get dressed to show how they can listen and be ready for when Jesus returns.

God Calls You!

In this game, children find Saul as he tries to hide behind some baggage, and learn that bravery means answering the call of God.

God Says...

A fun game similar to Simon Says that will help the children learn to put Jesus first.

Joseph Dreams

A simple fun game for younger children as they pretend to be Joseph.

Like Mary Or Martha?

Two teams identify characteristics of Mary and Martha to win this game.

Listening Bingo

The children will practice listening first and acting second.

Oh Poor Jonah!

A good energy burner that teaches an important lesson.

Plague Of Frogs

A crazy fast paced game where Pharaoh hopelessly tries to catch all the frogs.

The Quiet Game

A challenging game to see who can keep the quietest.

Where Are You Saul?

Finding Saul may be tricky. In this game, children learn that God always knows where they are and they need not be afraid.


Hearing Jesus

This lesson will help children understand that God hears them and they can hear Him too through the Holy Spirit. They will also learn that they are like sheep, kept safe in God’s hands.

Jonah And The Big Fish

After completing this lesson, the children will understand why it is important to listen to God and do what He says, instead of coming up with excuses.

Joshua Leads Israel

In this lesson, the children learn how the Lord appointed Joshua to be the leader of Israel after the death of Moses. God gave Joshua the big job of leading His people into the promised land.

Mary And Martha

In this lesson, the children will discover how to be aware of Jesus and when to give Him their special attention.

My King Knows Me

This lesson will inspire the children to have the courage needed to do what God asks them to do. This lesson will also show that God knows and calls each of us by name.

Noah Listened

This Sunday school lesson will review the past four lessons on Noah and reinforce the importance of listening to God and being obedient to Him.

Noah's Big Job

In this Sunday school lesson, children learn that we should all listen to God and obey Him. They will also learn that God has some very important jobs for each of us to do.

Ruth Follows Directions

From this lesson about Ruth and the kindness she received from Boaz, children learn the importance of listening and following directions given by God and parents.

The Fall Of Jericho

In this lesson about the battle of Jericho, children learn that even their biggest problems crumble when they put their faith in God.

The Lord Calls Samuel

In this lesson, children learn that God speaks to us today in many different ways. He speaks to us through the Bible, through other people—such as preachers and teachers, and through the wonderful world that He created.

Zacchaeus Climbs A Tree

In this lesson, the children will learn how to watch and listen for Jesus and follow Him in obedience every day of their lives.


First Things First

Children learn that nothing should come between us and our love for God.


I Belong To God

A puppet skit to demonstrate how believers belong to God and can hear Him when He speaks. (Skit for teacher and one puppet)


Jericho's Walls

(Audio Available) A song about one of the ways God provided for His people to enter the Promised Land. Sung to the tune of “London Bridge is Falling Down.”

Where Is Saul?

God calls Saul by name to be king. God also knows our names and calls us to Him. Sung to “Are You Sleeping?”

Zacchaeus Come On Down!

(Audio Available) Kids call out to Zaccheaus in the sycamore tree to come down and follow Jesus. (Luke 19:1-5)Sung to the tune of “Father Abraham.”


Jesus Visits Mary And Martha

A short story from the Bible about when to be quiet and listen to the Lord and when to work hard.

Noah And All The Animals

A story that will capture the children's attention and hearts!