

Living according to God's Will (See also holiness righteousness, morals)

"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8


A Piece Of Saul's Robe

In this coloring activity, children help King Saul find the missing corner of his robe that was cut off by David.

Balloon Thoughts

Do you ever wonder what is inside your friends’ heads? Jesus wants us to put Him first in our thoughts.


My Gift To Jesus

A colorful Christmas craft to show how children can give special gifts to Jesus.

What's In Your Heart?

Children fill their hearts with words to describe how they will treat others when they put Jesus first in their own lives.


Honoring God

David spares Saul's life to show us that even in difficult situations, we should honor God and do what pleases Him.

Teach Me About God!

This lesson helps children realize that it is important to learn more about God so they can trust Him to know what is best for their lives and to follow His commands.

With Our Lives

In this lesson, children learn how to put Jesus first in a more general way; with their lives. Putting Jesus first in everything is very pleasing to God.

With Our Thoughts

What we think about is a big part of who we are. This lesson teaches the children how to put Jesus first with their thoughts. They also learn how bad thoughts lead us to do bad things, but good thoughts lead us to do good things.


Known By Our Fruits

What would you rather eat, a rotten banana or one that is nice and ripe?


The Light

A puppet skit to show how we can be Jesus' light through our acts of love and kindness. (Skit for teacher and one puppet)


Put Jesus First

A song about how the lives of others are affected when we decide to put Jesus first in our own lives. Sung to “Oh Where oh Where has my Little Dog Gone?”


Showing God's Love

A young girl shows how much she loves God by putting Jesus first in her life.