

Reaching others for Christ; outreach (See also Evangelism, Missions)

"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'" Mark 16:15


Salvation Balloon

Children participate in a colorful demonstration that will help them share the steps of salvation.

Tell Me About Jesus

The children will create a book to use to tell their friends about Jesus.


Fishers Of Men

This display will remind the kids that as disciples of Jesus, they are called to reach out in the community and invite others to church. (Mark 1:17)


Let Your Light Shine

A coloring page that reminds children to let their light shine.


A Shining Star

A craft the children can hang up in their room or on a Christmas tree.

Let Your Light Shine

Children learn that it is important to tell others about Jesus with this fun filled craft.

Welcoming Door

Children create a colorful folding card to help demonstrate what happens when we welcome children and Jesus into our lives.


Go Fish

Children learn what it means to be fishers of men, with this classic card game.


How Do We Fight For The One?

In this lesson, children learn that we fight in a spiritual war when it comes to sharing the Word of God. We can prepare for this battle through prayer and fasting.

John The Baptist

This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we tell others about Jesus.

Mary Magdalene

This lesson will teach children that God is pleased when we tell others about Jesus!

Shine For Jesus

In this lesson, the children learn to be an example to non-believers by thinking and living like Christ.


Lessons in this series about the calling of the Twelve Apostles will help children understand that Jesus is also calling them, and He wants them to tell others about the Good News of Jesus.

Who Will Go?

This lesson teaches children the importance of sharing the Good News to others. In this way, they can show their love and the love of Jesus to those around them.


Don't Hide Your Light

Children learn the importance of using the tools God gives us and how to be a light to those around us.


Sow The Word

(Audio Available) A song about the parable of the sower. Sung to the tune “Row, Row, Row Your Boat."


Paul's Brave Escape

The story of when Paul's friends helped him escape from Damascus by lowering him in a basket through an opening in the city wall. (Acts 9:19-27)

Spreading The Truth

A story about worshipping, fasting, and the power of the Holy Spirit helping Saul and Barnabas boldly share the Gospel. (Acts 13:1-12)