

To give praise, honor, and respect to God (See also praise)

"Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:2


Leaping And Dancing For The Lord

Children leap and dance before the Lord as King David did when the ark of God entered Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 6:14)

Mary Or Martha?

An activity where children pretend to be a worshipper, like Mary, or a worker, like Martha.

Palm Branch Maze

Children find their way to Jesus through a maze of palm branches.

Worship God

A counting and coloring activity that teaches children about worship.


I Can Pray To God

This bulletin board will remind the kids that they pray to God wherever they are, at home, in school, at church and even while playing. Use this bulletin board for lessons on prayer, worship, or walking with God.

Make Time For God

A display to remind the children to spend time with God each and every day.


God Created Everything

A coloring page to help children understand that one reason we worship God is because He created everything.

Mary Anoints Jesus

Coloring Page of Mary anointing Jesus with a jar of expensive perfume. (John 12:3)


Joyful Jail Treat

A fun food craft to show how Paul and Silas gave praise to God even while in jail.

Perfume For Jesus

This sweet smelling craft helps children understand how to give it all for Jesus.

Worship At The Cross

Children create their own cross to help them remember to stop and worship the Lord.


How Do We Serve The One?

This lesson will teach children how to serve the one true God by worshipping Him only. This lesson also explains that knowing His Word helps us resist temptation.

Poured Out For Jesus

In this lesson, children will learn that doing it all for Jesus means to give Him our very best in whatever we do and whatever we have. Jesus is pleased when we give our whole life to Him.

Singing In Jail

In this lesson, Paul continues to tell others that Jesus is wonderful. However, some people don't like what he is doing and lock him and his friend Silas in jail. Children discover that even during hard times, they can still sing and have joy in their hearts because of Jesus.

The Triumphal Entry

In this lesson, children discover that they can celebrate Easter by praising Jesus for coming to be our Savior.

We Worship God

In this Sunday school lesson, children will begin to understand what it means to praise and worship God through prayer.


Dancing Squirrel

A dancing squirrel teaches children to praise the Lord. Read it as a poem or make up any tune where the kids can dance along.

He Loves Me

A simple song about the love of Jesus. Sung to the tune of “Three Blind Mice.”

How We Worship God

(Audio Available) A happy sunday school song about how we can worship God in different ways. Sung to the tune of “The Mulberry Bush.”

Riding On A Little Donkey

(Audio Available) Kids celebrate the day Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a little donkey. Sung to the tune, “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus.”

This Little Light Of Mine

(Audio Available) A timeless classic that encourages kids to let their light shine!


A Young Boy's Donkey

A story about how a young boy's little donkey that went from ordinary to extraordinary because of our Lord Jesus.

Joy And Singing In Jail

A story of joy that came about because Paul and his friend Silas continued to worship and sing to the Lord while in jail. (Acts 16:16-34)

Ruth Follows God

The story of Ruth when she decided to follow God by going with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth 1: 1-18.